Category: No Spend Year

  • April No Spend Update

    April No Spend Update

    Hey everyone! Can you believe it’s already the end of April. Time flies when you’re on a no-spend adventure! So, buckle up because it’s time for your monthly update on my year-long quest to conquer spending. 

  • Break free from being poor!

    Break free from being poor!

    I’m so fed up of living pay cheque to pay cheque. It’s time to break those bad money habits and get back on track for a positive rich life. Some of these strategies have already do and some are brand new and will hopefully be the difference to living that rich life that we all deserve.…

  • Best Tips for Success With a No Buy Year

    Best Tips for Success With a No Buy Year

    Recap This year could be classed as more of a low buy year. Whilst the intention was to not spend, there have been some ups and down along the way. I went off track in the summer and then struggled to get back into things again.  I record my spend for these key areas.  Food/socialising…

  • STOP Spending in the sales! The sales are not your friend!

    STOP Spending in the sales! The sales are not your friend!

    STOP! The sales are not your friend! They are there to trick you into spending money on things you don’t want or need! Stop spending in the sales! But don’t worry guys and gals. I am here! We can get through this difficult time together.  There is going to be a lot of temptation so…

  • November No Spend Review

    November No Spend Review

    It’s time to review my November no spend month. For more information check out my youtube channel For more information, check out this post: Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

  • Let’s Prep for a No Buy Year!

    Let’s Prep for a No Buy Year!

    Recap This year could be classed as more of a low buy year. Whilst the intention was to not spend, there have been some ups and down along the way. I went off track in the summer and then struggled to get back into things again.  I record my spend for these key areas.  Food/socialising…

  • June No Spend Month

    June No Spend Month

    It’s time to review June’s budget and how I have got on. Check out the video below. Rachel, Declutter Your Life X August Little Acts of Decluttering:

  • July No Spend Review

    July No Spend Review

    July No Spend Review: Every month I try and do a no spend month and keep to a strict budget. It’s the end of the month and time to see whether or not I have stuck to the amount set or whether things have gone off track. July is definitely a busy one for me.…

  • How To STOP Impulse Purchases

    How To STOP Impulse Purchases

    Do you often buy things on a whim? Have you been spending more than you anticipated when you go shopping? Do you spend an unnecessary amount of time in the middle aisles? Are the impulse purchases adding up to a bigger problem? If you are wondering how to stop impulse purchases, then these tips will…

  • January No Spend Review

    January No Spend Review

    It’s time to review my spending for January. I think last year was more ‘spendy’ then I had wanted it to be. I think this all comes down to motivation and lack of purpose with my ‘spare’ money. But this year is different! This year I have a purpose for saving – I intend to…