Category: No Spend Year

  • How To Do a No Spend Month or Year

    How To Do a No Spend Month or Year

    & December/end of year review It’s the end of the month and the end of my second no spend year. My first no spend year focused on clearing debt and this year the focus was on finding out more about myself, what I like and what I want to achieve with my money. It has…

  • 5 Minimalist Gift Ideas

    5 Minimalist Gift Ideas

    Christmas is fast approaching and I am definitely feeling the pinch this year. However, this year I am hoping that minimalism is going to help me keep to budget as well as give meaningful and purposeful gifts to my friends and family. Set a budget Firstly, it is important to set a budget. You need…

  • How to Prep Christmas on a Minimalist Budget

    How to Prep Christmas on a Minimalist Budget

    You may think it’s too early, but usually I start in August and September. Let’s talk through how to prepare for Christmas on a minimalist budget. 1. Write a list of who to buy for. We all have to start somewhere and usually it is an enlist list of people that we keep adding to…

  • How to meal plan to save time and money.

    How to meal plan to save time and money.

    Here I share the steps to successful meal planning to help you save time and money on your food bill. It’s all about budgeting and meal prep. Meal plan in 5 easy steps. 1. Stock check your fridge, freezer and cupboards. Firstly, you need to know what you have. When you know what’s already available…

  • Kids Activities: £10 or less

    The summer holidays are fast approaching and the cost of living crisis is going to have a significant impact on how you spend your time over summer. Kids activities can be a costly part of the holidays, but let me reassure you that there are plenty of activities that are free or cost very little…

  • Cost of Living Crisis: money saving hacks.

    Cost of Living Crisis: money saving hacks.

    While some of you are very familiar with my budgeting, money savings hacks and no spend challenges, there are many that have unfortunately joined us with the current cost of living crisis. Prices for food, petrol and energy bills reaching new highs, far too many are now wondering how they are going to get by…

  • June No Spend Review to save me money #budgeting

    June No Spend Review to save me money #budgeting

    This no spend review has been harder than ever. See how I got on in June. The cost of living crisis is really starting to make a dent into the finances and the unknown continues. Each month I track my spending, food and petrol to see if I have kept within budget. Watch the video…

  • Save Money Fast

    So you want to save money fast! Unfortunately, we are entering a very dim time in which prices for fuel, food and energy are on a steep incline. For most of us, this will have a huge impact on wellbeing and the ability to keep afloat financially. If you are on the breadline, you will…

  • February No Spend Review

    February No Spend Review

    What a whirlwind February has been. Three storms in a week and a great excuse for a duvet day. It has been a month without many activities. So how was my no spend review for February? However, I have decided to make an adjustment to my spending habits. I am allowing clothing as an allowed…

  • A Year of No Spending: How minimalism changed my life!

    A Year of No Spending: How minimalism changed my life!

    A year ago I took the decision that I wanted to change my life. I had overdrafts, credit cards, hire purchase agreement and a loan for furniture. Some of the debt was at a high interest rate and some was interest free. But the reality is, it was debt! I had £7,500 of debt. What…