Category: No Spend Year

  • No Spend January Review – How I got on!

    January is one of the hardest months financially. It stretches over 5 long weeks due to Christmas pay day often coming in early. Christmas fatigue also sets in, as well as the January blues. It feels like 200 days since Christmas, but thankfully we are on the final few days. For me, pay day has…

  • How to do a NO BUY YEAR!

    How to do a NO BUY YEAR!

    There may be many reasons why you have come across this page; you want to clear debt, save for a holiday or save for something larger like a house deposit. But, you’ll be surprised to hear that a no spend year (or no buy month, if you want to take it a step at a…

  • No Spend Year Rules: 2022!

    No Spend Year Rules: 2022!

    I have successfully complete one whole year of no spending. I am so pleased with myself! I honestly couldn’t tell you what I used to spend my money on. The last year has really taught me a lot about how I spend my money. I have learnt to manage it more explicitly and have now…



    I did it! A whole year of no spending. One whole year trying not to spend any money. I’m not gonna lie. It has been a rollercoaster ride; some months have been great and super focused. Others have been tricky and tested me more than I thought. Let’s break down into the figures for the…

  • September No Spend Review

    Here is how I got on with my spend this month…

  • 6 Months of No Spending!

    6 Months of No Spending!

    I have successfully completed 6 months of my no spend year. Whilst my plan is to spend as little money as possible, I have set myself allowances for certain items. To recap, my rules are: 1: Small amount of spend allowed for trips/activities with my son (when covid rules allow). 2: Only allowed to buy…

  • July No Spend Review

    What a rollercoaster of a month it has been. As you can imagine, teacher life is very busy at this time of year. Lots of things happening and changing, but many exciting things too. With this in mind, I know that it has been harder to stick to some of my budgets this month. Sometimes…

  • The 50/30/20 rule

    and how to adapt it to your financial situation. I have recently been looking into the 50/30/20 rule and how it works to manage your finances. For anyone not in the know, it is the principle that your income is split 50% on bills, 30% on spending and 20% towards saving. This got me thinking…

  • Single Parent’s Guide to Money

    Are you stuck in a rut or finding your money situation is causing you more stress than good? Then it’s time to get back in control of it all! This is the ultimate single parents guide to money. As you are most likely aware I am a single parent and currently saving as much money…

  • Minimalist Money Hacks

    Saving money is at the top of my list. I am saving for a house deposit so I am currently looking to save money in any way that I can. There are lots of ways in which companies make us part with our cash. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Pay off debt!…