Category: No Spend Year

  • How to save a house deposit fast!

    Since December I have been on a mission. I have never been set on anything more in my life. Tell a lie… I regularly set myself big life goals and I achieve them. The reason I am successful with big life goals is due to sure determination. So if you are wanting to save money…

  • May: No Spend Review

    I’m not gonna lie, as things have started opening up I have allowed myself a few extras and treats to compensate for the year without. This kind of feels like a backwards step, but I also think life is for living and I want to be out and about seeing friends and visiting new places.…

  • March No Spend Review

    This month has been a long and interesting one. I did have to replace some makeup items and purchase something for the car, but generally it hasn’t been too bad considering. Here is what I spent my money on this month… New baby gift £4.00 Eye shadow palette £10.50 (I had only dark shades left…

  • How to do a Low Buy Month or Year!

    I have already shared with you all about my decision to do a no buy year, but it occurred to me that some people may want advice about how to do a low buy year instead. So here we are… Let’s go through some steps to make this easier: First, you need to know your…

  • February No Spend Review

    For me, pay day is the 25th of the month. I am now ready to sit down and analyse how I got on. This month definitely threw a few curve balls. At the beginning of the month my TV died. It was a dilemma for me – to decide whether or not to buy new…

  • How to save money fast!

    Like myself, you have decided you want to make your money work harder. Whatever your motivation, there are some easy steps that can help you organise your finances and reach your new financial goals. There are lots of quick and easy tricks that you can do straight away to see instance savings….then watch you savings…

  • Ecoegg Laundry Egg Review ****

    As part of my quest to reduce spend in the next year, I decided to invest in an Ecoegg laundry egg. I was fortunate that at the time (end of December) they were having a sale so I stocked up on a standard ecoegg, a white ecoegg, refills, dryer balls and washing machine detox tablets…

  • January No Spend Review

    The first month of my no spend year has been a success!! I think lockdown 3.0 has very much helped me spend less, but I did have to juggle some battles too. The most challenging part was to stick to my food shop list. This has kept me under budget and allowed me to think…

  • How to Set Achievable Goals for 2021

    This time of year is the traditional goal setting period. Although for me, I’m an all year round goal setter. I set goals for a variety of reasons. I think mostly because I like my mind to be busy and I am more motivated if I set goals. It creates an inner drive and I…

  • Minimalism – It really works!

    I should imagine you are thinking pretty much the same thoughts I had when I came across the idea of minimalism…It won’t work, I might need these items, I will want to fill the gaps, it won’t work for a functional family that is always on the go. I was sooooooo wrong! It is everything…