Category: Uncategorized

  • 10 Minimalist Tips To De-Stress.

    10 Minimalist Tips To De-Stress.

    There are many reasons why minimalism is growing as a lifestyle choice. It is not only good for your wallet, but it can also transform your mindset and how you feel. Minimalism is an ongoing process that you develop over time. There is no one way to do this. It is a process of reducing…

  • 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering

    Hello, and I hope you are enjoying the build up to Christmas. I am enjoying the quietness of Christmas this year after a long and busy school term. So I decided to set myself some decluttering challenges in the form of 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering. I will keep updating this page with all of…

  • 5 Ways to REDUCE Clutter in your home!

    I may have decluttered my entire home, but I still seem to develop areas of clutter on a regular basis. In an attempt to reduce this clutter I have implemented 5 strategies to help combat the clutter with little effort! I love to organise areas of my home, but finding enough time to tidy up…

  • How to become a minimalist in 2021.

    First and foremost, there are no rules to become minimalist. What I propose to you are 6 steps to guide you towards a minimalism mindset. Minimalism is a concept that changes your outlook on material things and simultaneously money at the same time. So you want to be a minimalist. You have probably heard about…

  • Miscarriage support and advice Miscarriage and stillbirth is still a conversational taboo. It saddens me that there is little change in the understanding and support of miscarriage since losing my first baby in 2006, almost 15 years ago. It was around 12 years ago that I set up a facebook page to help not only myself, but others…

  • 2021 Self Care Guide – 10 things to do right now!

    This is definitely needed right now! Lockdown 3.0 has pushed everyone to their limits. Not only due to being restricted from activities and social things, but the continual drum of it all. I reached the wall about 1.5 weeks ago. One extra job added to the list and I tipped over the edge. I then…

  • I Choose To Be Anti-racist

    I have spent the last week educating myself and my child about systemic racism. This is not something new for me. Several years ago, when completing a history degree I chose to educate myself on social history; oppresion, facism, dictatorship, feminism and slavery. It was shocking. But. Oh. So. Powerful. It made me angry. The…

  • Let’s talk about miscarriage 💙

    I have been running a miscaarriage support page for almost 12 years now. The page has grown over the years to 4000 women and men that have been effected by miscarriage and baby loss. This week I decided to launch a series of posts entitled let’s talk about miscarriage in a hope that people will…

  • Frugal Living

    So every January I set myself new goals and aspirations for the year. Like most people… these start with the initial promise of keeping to task… and then as the days, weeks and months pass the aspirations waiver or become less of a priority. I would say that I am pretty good at goal setting.…

  • single mum and the dating scene

    Single mum life is tough. Unless you have experienced it, you won’t really know how to feels to be a single parent. The struggle is hard. Yes, sometimes I feel on top of everything and like superwoman. But other times, I feel like I can’t keep up with it all. I want to be strong.…