Tag: budgeting

  • Things to Declutter Before School Starts
  • The 5 Things Tidy Method

    The 5 Things Tidy Method

    Struggling to get started when the house feels a mess? Then the 5 things tidy method may be just the ticket for helping you take back control. This method, created by KC Davies, author of How to Keep House While Drowning, is a simple framework to get a messy room back to functioning.  5 Things…

  • January Little Acts of Decluttering – Start the year right!

    January Little Acts of Decluttering – Start the year right!

    It’s a brand new year, full of possibilities, hopes and dreams. If you have found your way to this blog then I’m guessing one of your hopes or dreams is to reduce the amount of clutter in your home and create a calm and stress free environment. I have a January’s little acts of decluttering ready…

  • November No Spend Review

    November No Spend Review

    It’s time to review my November no spend month. For more information check out my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes For more information, check out this post: https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/november-little-acts-of-decluttering/ Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

  • How to Declutter the Trickiest Clutter

    How to Declutter the Trickiest Clutter

    Today I wanted to talk about the trickiest clutter and how to overcome them. We get caught up in a range of emotions and stress around these areas, so let’s talk about strategies to support when decluttering the trickiest clutter. Piles of stuff Prevention is key here. How easy is it for piles of clutter…

  • Let’s Prep for a No Buy Year!

    Let’s Prep for a No Buy Year!

    Recap This year could be classed as more of a low buy year. Whilst the intention was to not spend, there have been some ups and down along the way. I went off track in the summer and then struggled to get back into things again.  I record my spend for these key areas.  Food/socialising…

  • Signs of Too Much Clutter: Is Your Space Overwhelmed?

    Signs of Too Much Clutter: Is Your Space Overwhelmed?

    Living in a cluttered space can be more than just a physical challenge; it can impact your mental and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the telltale signs that your space may be overwhelmed by clutter, offering insights into the areas that may need decluttering and suggesting practical solutions for a more organised…

  • Decluttering Made Easy: 5 Simple Strategies for a Tidier Space

    Decluttering Made Easy: 5 Simple Strategies for a Tidier Space

    The Art of Simplifying In a world that often overwhelms us with an abundance of possessions, the journey to decluttering can be both liberating and transformative. Decluttering made easy with five effective ways to declutter your space, paving the way for a more organised and stress-free life. Organise as You Go: Tackling Clutter in Real-Time…

  • Decluttering Delight: Preparing Your Space for a Merry Christmas

    Decluttering Delight: Preparing Your Space for a Merry Christmas

    The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to welcome the festivities than with a clutter-free and organized home? In this blog post, we’ll explore specific areas to declutter before Christmas, ensuring a stress-free and joyous celebration. Children’s Toys: A Playful Purge The excitement of Christmas often means an influx of new toys…

  • November Little Acts of Decluttering

    November Little Acts of Decluttering

    It’s that time again to get ready for another month of decluttering. There are 30 days to work through and another fantastic free calendar download! Here are the Little Acts of Decluttering for November! Little Acts of Decluttering These little acts of decluttering are designed to keep things small and manageable. Too much at once…