Tag: declutter challenge

  • October Little Acts of Decluttering

    October Little Acts of Decluttering

    It’s that time again to get ready for another month of decluttering. There are 31 days to work through and another fantastic free calendar download! Here are the Little Acts of Decluttering for October! Little Acts of Decluttering These little acts of decluttering are designed to keep things small and manageable. Too much at once…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering Part 1

    Here are some little acts of decluttering. Having the time to declutter is one of the biggest reasons why it gets put off. It could be that you are so overwhelmed with clutter that you don’t know where to start. I suggest you start small. Start by creating small decluttering habits that will become ingrained…

  • 100 things to declutter!

    So you want to declutter, but don’t know where to start? Here I propose 100 items that you can declutter in order to transform your home from messy to minimal (your version of minimal). You may not want to do all of these, they are just suggestions of items that you could declutter to transform…