Tag: goals


    Despite what society dictates, it is possible to be single and happy about it! You do not need a partner in your life to feel content or to achieve your goals. You are capable on your very own! Who’d have thought it?! I have been on this journey for 3 years and I am finally…

  • How to Set Achievable Goals for 2021

    This time of year is the traditional goal setting period. Although for me, I’m an all year round goal setter. I set goals for a variety of reasons. I think mostly because I like my mind to be busy and I am more motivated if I set goals. It creates an inner drive and I…

  • You are worth the wait!

    I will not settle for less than I deserve! Last week I decided that I didn’t feel the same anymore. I was in a relatively new relationship prior to lockdown. I feel in love quickly. Felt comfortable around him. I even thought he might be the one… …And as quickly as I fell in love,…

  • Frugal Living

    So every January I set myself new goals and aspirations for the year. Like most people… these start with the initial promise of keeping to task… and then as the days, weeks and months pass the aspirations waiver or become less of a priority. I would say that I am pretty good at goal setting.…