Tag: life

  • March Little Acts of Decluttering

    March Little Acts of Decluttering

    I hope you enjoyed February’s little act acts of decluttering, as I have another fun month of decluttering ahead for us! As we move into March, it is important to keep momentum and keep on top of the clutter with some new acts of decluttering.  Little Acts of Decluttering These little acts of decluttering are…

  • How To STOP Clutter Creeping Back In!

    How To STOP Clutter Creeping Back In!

    Let’s talk about clutter and how we can stop it creeping back in and building up in our homes! Want to stop clutter creeping back in? Here are some vital steps that will help you reduce the visual clutter within your home. What is clutter? This is the items that come in and seem to…

  • How To STOP Impulse Purchases

    How To STOP Impulse Purchases

    Do you often buy things on a whim? Have you been spending more than you anticipated when you go shopping? Do you spend an unnecessary amount of time in the middle aisles? Are the impulse purchases adding up to a bigger problem? If you are wondering how to stop impulse purchases, then these tips will…

  • February Little Acts of Decluttering

    February Little Acts of Decluttering

    I hope you enjoyed January’s little act acts of decluttering, as I have another fun month of decluttering ahead for us! As we move into February, it is important to keep momentum and keep on top of the clutter with some new acts of decluttering. Little Acts of Decluttering These little acts of decluttering are…

  • January No Spend Review

    January No Spend Review

    It’s time to review my spending for January. I think last year was more ‘spendy’ then I had wanted it to be. I think this all comes down to motivation and lack of purpose with my ‘spare’ money. But this year is different! This year I have a purpose for saving – I intend to…

  • How To Do a No Spend Month or Year

    How To Do a No Spend Month or Year

    & December/end of year review It’s the end of the month and the end of my second no spend year. My first no spend year focused on clearing debt and this year the focus was on finding out more about myself, what I like and what I want to achieve with my money. It has…

  • 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 12 – Get to know me!

    12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 12 – Get to know me!

    There have been lots of new people watching and reading recently, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to share a little bit more about me and how I got into decluttering, minimalism and cutting my spend! I’ve kept this simple and shared all you need to know about me in this YouTube…

  • January Little Acts of Decluttering

    January Little Acts of Decluttering

    Welcome to a new year. For some it may full of big dreams or expectations, but I am here with a more down to earth approach to living in the form of decluttering your home one small step at a time. I have created a calendar that is available for you to download for free…

  • 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 10 – 23 items to declutter in 2023!

    12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 10 – 23 items to declutter in 2023!

    It’s time to reflect on items around the home and decided whether we really need that many or even at all! I have a list of 23 items to declutter in 2023. 23 Items to declutter in 2023! 1. Subscriptions Are you receiving far too many emails and sending out too many direct debits to…

  • 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 9 How to Set Decluttering Goals

    12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 9 How to Set Decluttering Goals

    Goals will help you to stay motivated, help you to make clear decisions and prevent clutter from creeping back in. How to set decluttering goals! 1. Have a clear vision What’s your end goal? What are you hoping to accomplish with your goals? Is it about having an easy to maintain house, are you looking…