Tag: minimalism

  • Drowning in Clutter? Declutter Your Life and Breathe Easy Again!

    Drowning in Clutter? Declutter Your Life and Breathe Easy Again!

    Do you ever feel like your home is slowly being swallowed by a sea of stuff? Clothes overflowing from closets, papers piled high on counters, and unidentified objects lurking in the corners – clutter can quickly take over, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and unable to relax in your own space. But here’s the good…

  • April Little Acts of Decluttering

    April Little Acts of Decluttering

    I have a selection of fabulous little acts of decluttering for April that you can do around your home each day, along with a handy PDF print out or download. I also share daily reminders on my social media channels. See the links below. Decluttering Advice: The 4 box method When decluttering, I highly recommend…

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Strategies for Getting Things Done

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Strategies for Getting Things Done

    Living with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) presents unique challenges that can often feel overwhelming. From battling constant exhaustion to managing daily tasks, maintaining a sense of normalcy can seem like an uphill battle. However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to navigate through life’s demands more effectively. Here are some practical tips…

  • Ethical Decluttering: How to Responsibly Let Go of Your Stuff

    Ethical Decluttering: How to Responsibly Let Go of Your Stuff

    In a world that’s increasingly focused on sustainability and ethical consumption, decluttering your space doesn’t have to mean contributing to overflowing landfills or excessive consumerism. With a little mindfulness and some strategic planning, you can lighten your load while also minimizing your environmental impact and giving back to your community. Here are some suggestions for…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering March: Spring Clean

    Little Acts of Decluttering March: Spring Clean

    One thing I love about spring is the sense of new beginnings and the out with the old, in with the newness of it all. But let’s face it, I’m up for any excuse to declutter these days! I have a selection of fabulous little acts of decluttering for March that you can do around…



    So you’ve decided you want to own less stuff. A simple, intentional life is calling you, but maybe you’re not sure how to simplify things. Here are some practical ways to own less.  Compare less One of the main reasons we buy so much and fill our homes is the need or desire to ‘keep…

  • Minimalist Challenges to Try

    Minimalist Challenges to Try

    Want to develop your minimalist mindset and live a little more intentionally. Then these minimalist challenges are just what you need. Try each one to support a simplified, intentional life. A no-buy month If you want to save money as well as develop a minimalist mindset, then a no buy month is the challenge for…

  • February: for the LOVE of clutter

    February: for the LOVE of clutter

    It’s the month of love and you may already have a love hate relationship with clutter and decluttering. My method is to share a little act of decluttering each day to help you declutter your home. Here are February’s little acts of decluttering. You are absolutely in the right place. And if you are struggling…

  • The Boundary Method

    The Boundary Method

    The Boundary Method: This organisational hack is a great way to improve the visuals of your home as well as beginning your decluttering journey. A method coined by Erica Lucas, the purpose is to declutter by containing “items together within the confines of a shelf, drawer, basket, or cube.” There are some easy steps to…

  • Break free from being poor!

    Break free from being poor!

    I’m so fed up of living pay cheque to pay cheque. It’s time to break those bad money habits and get back on track for a positive rich life. Some of these strategies have already do and some are brand new and will hopefully be the difference to living that rich life that we all deserve.…