Tag: motivation

  • Finding Motivation to Declutter

    Finding Motivation to Declutter

    Often, decluttering can feel like the last thing you want to do. There is too much clutter around. You can see rubbish everywhere, dishes piled up and it feels like you can’t do one area until you’ve done another. Finding the motivation to declutter can be challenging. It becomes a vicious cycle that can bring…

  • A Year of No Spending: How minimalism changed my life!

    A Year of No Spending: How minimalism changed my life!

    A year ago I took the decision that I wanted to change my life. I had overdrafts, credit cards, hire purchase agreement and a loan for furniture. Some of the debt was at a high interest rate and some was interest free. But the reality is, it was debt! I had £7,500 of debt. What…