Tag: No Spend Year

  • Break free from being poor!

    Break free from being poor!

    I’m so fed up of living pay cheque to pay cheque. It’s time to break those bad money habits and get back on track for a positive rich life. Some of these strategies have already do and some are brand new and will hopefully be the difference to living that rich life that we all deserve.…

  • Best Tips for Success With a No Buy Year

    Best Tips for Success With a No Buy Year

    Recap This year could be classed as more of a low buy year. Whilst the intention was to not spend, there have been some ups and down along the way. I went off track in the summer and then struggled to get back into things again.  I record my spend for these key areas.  Food/socialising…

  • June No Spend Month

    June No Spend Month

    It’s time to review June’s budget and how I have got on. Check out the video below. Rachel, Declutter Your Life X August Little Acts of Decluttering: https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/august-little-acts-of-decluttering/

  • July No Spend Review

    July No Spend Review

    July No Spend Review: Every month I try and do a no spend month and keep to a strict budget. It’s the end of the month and time to see whether or not I have stuck to the amount set or whether things have gone off track. July is definitely a busy one for me.…

  • January No Spend Review

    January No Spend Review

    It’s time to review my spending for January. I think last year was more ‘spendy’ then I had wanted it to be. I think this all comes down to motivation and lack of purpose with my ‘spare’ money. But this year is different! This year I have a purpose for saving – I intend to…

  • 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 12 – Get to know me!

    12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 12 – Get to know me!

    There have been lots of new people watching and reading recently, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to share a little bit more about me and how I got into decluttering, minimalism and cutting my spend! I’ve kept this simple and shared all you need to know about me in this YouTube…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering #minimalist

    Little Acts of Decluttering #minimalist

    So I am back again with some more helpful tips to create small, daily decluttering habits. These little acts of decluttering are designed as a way of building up natural decluttering habits that will begin to feel like second nature over time. By decluttering one small area at a time, you will begin to transform…

  • How to Simplify Your Life!

    How to Simplify Your Life!

    Is your life feeling busier than ever and overwhelming at times? This has certainly been the case for me in recent years and I decided that enough was enough and it was time to change the way I lived and simplify my life. Life does not have to be complicated and busy. It can also…

  • Favourite items that I own as a minimalist!

    Favourite items that I own as a minimalist!




    Now is the time to share my favourite items that I own as a minimalist. Each item listed are items that really serve a purpose for me and allow me to live a simply and balanced life. Favourite items… Camera. I absolutely adore my camera. It’s the best £200 I have ever spent. Firstly, It…

  • How to Prep Christmas on a Minimalist Budget

    How to Prep Christmas on a Minimalist Budget

    You may think it’s too early, but usually I start in August and September. Let’s talk through how to prepare for Christmas on a minimalist budget. 1. Write a list of who to buy for. We all have to start somewhere and usually it is an enlist list of people that we keep adding to…