Tag: No Spend Year

  • How to keep motivated when decluttering!

    How to keep motivated when decluttering!

    So you’ve started to decluttering, but it’s not coming to an end. Here are the best ways to keep motivated when decluttering so that you can get the job finished and your home as you want it to be. 1. Have a goal or reason. Having a clear reason as to why you are trying…

  • How to meal plan to save time and money.

    How to meal plan to save time and money.

    Here I share the steps to successful meal planning to help you save time and money on your food bill. It’s all about budgeting and meal prep. Meal plan in 5 easy steps. 1. Stock check your fridge, freezer and cupboards. Firstly, you need to know what you have. When you know what’s already available…

  • Uncovering the myths around Minimalism

    Uncovering the myths around Minimalism

    Uncovering the myths around minimalism: There are many myths associated with minimalism. Some are powerful enough to make you question whether or not to bother! But, I am here to tell you to look past these myths and understand how misleading that can be, as minimalism is easier than you think. Uncovering the Myths around…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering: Part 3

    These little acts of decluttering (part 3) are getting additive! I have more ways in which you can create daily habits that prevent clutter from piling up and maintain a minimalist home. Little acts of decluttering… Let’s get started… don’t let clothes pile up. start small put washing away as soon as it’s dry go…

  • 5 Ways To Make Decluttering Fun!

    This is the second post I have written on how to make decluttering fun (5 ways). It can be hard to get started with decluttering, so making it a fun task will help to keep you motivated and chipping away at the clutter. So I wanted to share 5 new ways in which you can…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering Part 1

    Here are some little acts of decluttering. Having the time to declutter is one of the biggest reasons why it gets put off. It could be that you are so overwhelmed with clutter that you don’t know where to start. I suggest you start small. Start by creating small decluttering habits that will become ingrained…

  • Minimalism: How to stay CLUTTER FREE.

    So how do we stay clutter free after decluttering as a minimalist? You want to be a minimalist and adopt better way of life. You’ve decluttered and reduced your purchases, yet you still have a cluttered home? Decluttering is part of the process, but there is more to do to develop your minimalist habits. That’s…

  • Minimalist Living: Living With Less

    Minimalist Living: Living With Less

    Minimalist living: You may have a preconceived idea of what minimalism is. You may think it means to live a boring and mundane life with little joy, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. A minimalist lifestyle, is rich, fulfilling and present in the moment. Yes, it may be a life with less, but…

  • 10 Minimalist Tips To De-Stress.

    10 Minimalist Tips To De-Stress.

    There are many reasons why minimalism is growing as a lifestyle choice. It is not only good for your wallet, but it can also transform your mindset and how you feel. Minimalism is an ongoing process that you develop over time. There is no one way to do this. It is a process of reducing…

  • Pack like a Minimalist – Weekend Away

    Pack like a Minimalist – Weekend Away

    It felt like these days would never com again. We are finally able to move around and get away on mini vacations. I have booked a summer holiday to Corfu in the summer, but first up is a weekend away for a hen do. This means I need to pack. I used to be the…