Tag: nospend



    I did it! A whole year of no spending. One whole year trying not to spend any money. I’m not gonna lie. It has been a rollercoaster ride; some months have been great and super focused. Others have been tricky and tested me more than I thought. Let’s break down into the figures for the…

  • September No Spend Review

    Here is how I got on with my spend this month…

  • 5 Decluttering Mistakes to AVOID!

    5 Decluttering Mistakes to AVOID!

    When you first start decluttering there are some things that can make it challenging or difficult. So I wanted to share my tips of strategies to avoid in order to make decluttering an achievable task! 5 mistakes to avoid! Getting everything out at once – as tempting as this is, taking everything out of the…

  • 6 Months of No Spending!

    6 Months of No Spending!

    I have successfully completed 6 months of my no spend year. Whilst my plan is to spend as little money as possible, I have set myself allowances for certain items. To recap, my rules are: 1: Small amount of spend allowed for trips/activities with my son (when covid rules allow). 2: Only allowed to buy…

  • July No Spend Review

    What a rollercoaster of a month it has been. As you can imagine, teacher life is very busy at this time of year. Lots of things happening and changing, but many exciting things too. With this in mind, I know that it has been harder to stick to some of my budgets this month. Sometimes…

  • How to save a house deposit fast!

    Since December I have been on a mission. I have never been set on anything more in my life. Tell a lie… I regularly set myself big life goals and I achieve them. The reason I am successful with big life goals is due to sure determination. So if you are wanting to save money…

  • February No Spend Review

    For me, pay day is the 25th of the month. I am now ready to sit down and analyse how I got on. This month definitely threw a few curve balls. At the beginning of the month my TV died. It was a dilemma for me – to decide whether or not to buy new…

  • 52 Week Declutter Challenge




    When you first start the deciding you want to declutter your home, the task can look pretty overwhelming. Even the steps of Marie Kondo’s Magic of Tidying are few and far between. Whilst it guides you through, most people do not have the time or the motivation to spend a 2-3 weeks blitzing their home…

  • How to save money fast!

    Like myself, you have decided you want to make your money work harder. Whatever your motivation, there are some easy steps that can help you organise your finances and reach your new financial goals. There are lots of quick and easy tricks that you can do straight away to see instance savings….then watch you savings…

  • Ecoegg Laundry Egg Review ****

    As part of my quest to reduce spend in the next year, I decided to invest in an Ecoegg laundry egg. I was fortunate that at the time (end of December) they were having a sale so I stocked up on a standard ecoegg, a white ecoegg, refills, dryer balls and washing machine detox tablets…