Tag: organise

  • Finding Motivation to Declutter

    Finding Motivation to Declutter

    Often, decluttering can feel like the last thing you want to do. There is too much clutter around. You can see rubbish everywhere, dishes piled up and it feels like you can’t do one area until you’ve done another. Finding the motivation to declutter can be challenging. It becomes a vicious cycle that can bring…

  • How to become a Minimalist in 7 Days #declutter




    This may be a bold statement, but I think it is entirely possible to become a minimalist in just 7 days. To become minimalist you need to not only get rid of stuff, but also alter your mindset about how you value the stuff. My suggestion is that there are 7 things that you need…

  • How to do a NO BUY YEAR!

    How to do a NO BUY YEAR!

    There may be many reasons why you have come across this page; you want to clear debt, save for a holiday or save for something larger like a house deposit. But, you’ll be surprised to hear that a no spend year (or no buy month, if you want to take it a step at a…

  • 5 Ways to REDUCE Clutter in your home!

    I may have decluttered my entire home, but I still seem to develop areas of clutter on a regular basis. In an attempt to reduce this clutter I have implemented 5 strategies to help combat the clutter with little effort! I love to organise areas of my home, but finding enough time to tidy up…

  • 5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home




    When you first start decluttering, it can be overwhelming looking at each room and knowing where to start. So here are 5 easy to steps to help you get started on your decluttering journey. When decluttering have 3 boxes – one for donations, one for items to sell and a bag for rubbish! This is…

  • 100 things to declutter!




    So you want to declutter, but don’t know where to start? Here I propose 100 items that you can declutter in order to transform your home from messy to minimal (your version of minimal). You may not want to do all of these, they are just suggestions of items that you could declutter to transform…

  • Wardrobe declutter! Messy to Minimal!




    I Hope you enjoy as much as I did filming and editing this! Rachel, That 30 Something Life x

  • How to do a Low Buy Month or Year!

    I have already shared with you all about my decision to do a no buy year, but it occurred to me that some people may want advice about how to do a low buy year instead. So here we are… Let’s go through some steps to make this easier: First, you need to know your…

  • Minimalism – It really works!

    I should imagine you are thinking pretty much the same thoughts I had when I came across the idea of minimalism…It won’t work, I might need these items, I will want to fill the gaps, it won’t work for a functional family that is always on the go. I was sooooooo wrong! It is everything…