Tag: organize

  • Little Acts of Decluttering March: Spring Clean

    Little Acts of Decluttering March: Spring Clean

    One thing I love about spring is the sense of new beginnings and the out with the old, in with the newness of it all. But let’s face it, I’m up for any excuse to declutter these days! I have a selection of fabulous little acts of decluttering for March that you can do around…

  • Declutter with me: Bedside Table

    Declutter with me: Bedside Table

    Rachel, Declutter Your Life X For more information check out my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes For more information, check out this post: https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/november-little-acts-of-decluttering/

  • Declutter with me: Bathroom Cabinet

    Declutter with me: Bathroom Cabinet

    Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

  • The 5 Things Tidy Method

    The 5 Things Tidy Method

    Struggling to get started when the house feels a mess? Then the 5 things tidy method may be just the ticket for helping you take back control. This method, created by KC Davies, author of How to Keep House While Drowning, is a simple framework to get a messy room back to functioning.  5 Things…

  • Simplify Your Life

    Simplify Your Life




    Sometimes it can feel like life is so busy and it’s hard to find your feet. I’m thinking about how I can slow down my life a bit and take more in of the wonders around me. This is my plan for a more simplified life. Declutter  The less you have the easier it is…

  • REDUCE Social Media Clutter 

    REDUCE Social Media Clutter 




    Feeling overwhelmed by social media clutter and a little guilty of doom scrolling for hours on end? Why not try and reduce your social media clutter. Here are some tips to help you gain back that control over social media. Reduce any apps you don’t like/use Are they any apps or social media accounts that…

  • Little Acts of Decluttering – Part 5

    Little Acts of Decluttering – Part 5




    I’m back again with some more little acts of decluttering to help you to create daily habits for a clutter free home. Let’s get decluttering… Dresses – make sure you have a range, but reduce any similar or duplicate items in different colours. Jewellery – keep special items that you could wear for different occasions.…

  • Save Money Fast

    So you want to save money fast! Unfortunately, we are entering a very dim time in which prices for fuel, food and energy are on a steep incline. For most of us, this will have a huge impact on wellbeing and the ability to keep afloat financially. If you are on the breadline, you will…

  • How to become a Minimalist in 7 Days #declutter




    This may be a bold statement, but I think it is entirely possible to become a minimalist in just 7 days. To become minimalist you need to not only get rid of stuff, but also alter your mindset about how you value the stuff. My suggestion is that there are 7 things that you need…

  • The 10 x 10 Capsule Challenge

    I was researching further into minimalism and came across a selection of minimalism blogs that were recommended to follow. https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/minimalist-blogs One of the recommendations was a website called stylebee.ca with the 10 x 10 challenge. https://stylebee.ca/10-x-10-challenge/ After looking through the specific details of the clothing challenge, I decided that this would be a good way…