Tag: organize

  • February No Spend Review

    February No Spend Review

    What a whirlwind February has been. Three storms in a week and a great excuse for a duvet day. It has been a month without many activities. So how was my no spend review for February? However, I have decided to make an adjustment to my spending habits. I am allowing clothing as an allowed…

  • Declutter with me – Kid’s bedroom

    This is the start of a brand new series in which I declutter different areas of my home. I am hoping to share regular updates on how I am getting on with decluttering and organising. First up is my son’s bedroom!

  • Minimalism on a budget!

    Minimalism on a budget!

    Over the past year I have trawled the internet looking for ideas on how to be a minimalist on a budget. All I found were lists of yet more items to purchase and bring into my home. That was not what I was needing. In was the complete opposite in fact. I wanted to declutter…

  • A Year of No Spending: How minimalism changed my life!

    A Year of No Spending: How minimalism changed my life!

    A year ago I took the decision that I wanted to change my life. I had overdrafts, credit cards, hire purchase agreement and a loan for furniture. Some of the debt was at a high interest rate and some was interest free. But the reality is, it was debt! I had £7,500 of debt. What…

  • No Spend January Review – How I got on!

    January is one of the hardest months financially. It stretches over 5 long weeks due to Christmas pay day often coming in early. Christmas fatigue also sets in, as well as the January blues. It feels like 200 days since Christmas, but thankfully we are on the final few days. For me, pay day has…

  • How to do a NO BUY YEAR!

    How to do a NO BUY YEAR!

    There may be many reasons why you have come across this page; you want to clear debt, save for a holiday or save for something larger like a house deposit. But, you’ll be surprised to hear that a no spend year (or no buy month, if you want to take it a step at a…

  • No Spend Year Rules: 2022!

    No Spend Year Rules: 2022!

    I have successfully complete one whole year of no spending. I am so pleased with myself! I honestly couldn’t tell you what I used to spend my money on. The last year has really taught me a lot about how I spend my money. I have learnt to manage it more explicitly and have now…