12 days of christmas decluttering

12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 10 – 23 items to declutter in 2023!

It’s time to reflect on items around the home and decided whether we really need that many or even at all! I have a list of 23 items to declutter in 2023.

23 Items to declutter in 2023!

1. Subscriptions

Are you receiving far too many emails and sending out too many direct debits to services? Let’s cut this down. Go through emails regularly and unsubscribe from any that you no longer need to receive, this will help with the impulse buys too. Think abut whether you have too many subscriptions services for tv streaming or food boxes and think about what you could cut to reduce your spend.

2. Self care products that you don’t use

often we try new things when trying to improve our self care habits. But not all of them are suitable to what we need or even work at all. These can be decluttered completely.

3. Wardrobe

It is so good to be able to open your wardrobe and know that it is only filled with items that fit, suit your style and you absolutely love. This means going through each section and reducing any duplicates, anything worn out or that doesn’t fit. You will save so much time in the mornings when you go to choose an outfit for the day.

4. Impulse buys

There are a few ways to approach this and I have a few videos for this on my youtube channel… https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes The first step is to not go to the stores in the first place. Reducing the amount of time shopping in stores will help. The next is to use the basket tool strategically on the websites. Keep the tab open with something in the basket and wait. Wait for a few days, a week or even 30 days. Then if you still want it then it will likely be a good purchase. Think about whether the item is really purposeful and will add value to your life.

5. Unnecessary tasks

How much time do we waste spent on completing unnecessary tasks. Life is too short adding things we don’t like or enjoy onto the to do list. Only make time for the necessary things and things that make you happy!

6. Expectations and emotions

Expectations can be the root of many problems. We set expectations, such as keeping up with the Jones’, expecting too much from friends and family and then we have the backlash of this of feeling let down and like your needs haven’t been met. We need to be realistic with expectations, this in turn will regulate our emotions connected to this so that we avoid the rollercoaster of emotions that come with expecting too much from others, places and things.

7. Unused furniture

Unused furniture is valuable space that you are missing out on. Reduce the number of surfaces for clutter to appear on and make some easy money in the process. You will love the feeling of having extra space in your home. This may mean decluttering the items inside each furniture piece too!

8. Old paperwork

A year ago I got given lots of old school books from my parents. A large selection of science books, maths books and every other subjects from school. Why on earth did I still have these? I had a look through and wondered how useful they would be. The reality is that there was little of value. Some much of the work was answering questions, etc with no question attached. Utterly useless. You always think something will be helpful down the line, but often they are never used or even looked at. These items need to be ruthlessly removed from your home. The same can be said for utility bills and bank statements. These can all be accessed online and it can be stored digitally. So it’s time to free up some valuable space in the home by getting rid of the paper copies.

9. Unwanted gifts

Unwanted gifts can be hard to declutter. I am about to share a video and blog post all about this. So go and check this out in a few days! There is a whole new way to approach this and some ideas of what to do with the unwanted gifts. There is no need to feel guilty about doing this!

10. Books and magazines

Would you consider going digital with this one? Not only will this free up valuable space, but there are ways you can access a large number of books completely free – your local library! In the UK, I have access to free online digital books and audiobooks that can be accessed on a number of devices. Go check them out!

11. Unused devices

Unused devices are money sat in the cupboards. The longer it takes you to sell these, the lower the value becomes. If you know you are finished with a device, always try and sell as soon as this becomes the case so that you get the maximum price you can, as well as freeing up valuable space in your home.

12. Hobby supplies you won’t use

Do you regularly buy new things for your hobbies, such as craft supplies or sports equipment? Get int he habit of regularly checking in with each hobby and reduce down the things you have that are no longer being used.

13. Expired food and food you don’t like

I find it so helpful to go through my food cupboards every few months. It helps me to keep on top of this. You should regularly go through and check dates and bring older stuff to the front of the shelves to encourage you to use it up. I also think about foods that I know I won’t eat and often donate these to others that will. Everyone has different tastes and that’s ok.

14. Unused apps

Phones have a limited amount of storage and the biggest areas for this are photos, videos and apps. Apps often become fads, with different games and phases in our lives. Go through and uninstall any that you haven’t used in the last year to make way for some valuable storage space.

15. Artwork that doesn’t make you happy

Artwork serves one purpose – to make you happy. If it doesn’t make you feel good, then it has no place in your home. I also consider photos to be art, and it always brings me joy to rotate photos and bring in new ones to change the feeling of a room and to keep me smiling. Art should always do this.

16. Holiday and seasonal decor

This is one of the easiest areas for me as I only have Christmas decor and that is very minimalist as it is. I only have 2 under bed storage boxes filled with Christmas stuff. As you begin packing away from this Christmas, think carefully about whether you used all of the decorations. You want to avoid different colour themes each year and have a consistent set of decorations to use. As for other holiday decorations, such as halloween or Easter, have you considered reducing this down? Think carefully abut what you do and don’t use for each holiday season and find a way to reduce it down. Less is more.

17. Boxes being kept for toys

Often I have kept a number of boxes for toys, despite never needing to use them again. We always think, what if, when in reality ‘if’ never happens. Let’s get recycling and reducing the need to store things for the sake of it.

18. Unused games for consoles and board games

These are great items to try and sell if you are no longer using them. This will give you the opportunity to invest in new games (following the one in one out policy). Try and get in the habit of selling them as soon as you have finished with it to be able to make the most profit as these items will depreciate in value.

19. Office supplies you won’t use

I love a bit of stationary. So much so that I had a large collection of notebooks, pens, pencils, paperclips and pins. Many of which are items that I don’t use. The reality is we get a number of stationary sets and some of the products are not what we use. It’s time to be realistic and reduce down what you have.

20. Unknown cables

Hands up, who has a drawer full of cables that never get used because you don’t know what they belong to. Why not partner each cable up with a device and get rid of anything that is unaccounted for. There is no need for duplicate cables or ones that serve no purpose.

21. Old candles

It can be tempting to swap out candles regularly but this can often leave you with a number of candles that are worn down and not used. Try and get in the habit of using them up completely and then decluttering them as soon as they are finished.

22. Mugs and glasses

I used to have almost 2 cupboards full of mugs and glasses. This has reduced down to one and if I am being honest I could probably reduce it further. It’s nice to have a couple of spares, but mugs are often given as gifts so it can be easy for them to multiply throughout the year. It’s time to reduce this down to have the number you need.

23. Bath and shower product collection

There comes a point when we have too many products. And this is one area that most people exceed on! Enough is enough. We need to reduce down the stock pile of products that we keep in the bath and shower. The best way is to use up the products, but if you have some that you know you won’t use don’t be afraid to let these go to someone that might be able to make use of it.

Rachel, Declutter your life X

For more information n how to set decluttering goals… https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/12-days-of-christmas-decluttering-day-9-how-to-set-decluttering-goals/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.ย https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes