12 days of christmas decluttering

12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 11 – How to Deal With Unwanted Gifts

So the biggest gifting season is over. You’ve opened gifts from under the tree from friends and family. Unsurprisingly, within the piles of presents is a number of unwanted gifts. These are gifts that you opened with surprise and wondered ‘why did they get me this?’ or ‘this isn’t something I need’. These presents then become a burden unlike any other. The need to keep them and have them on display when the gift giver visits, can be overwhelming. But, why? Why do we feel the need to continue to please others over something that we don’t want to keep and will go unused? It’s time to change our perspective and change the meaning of gift giving. Let’s talk this through…

Prevention is better than a cure

There is a way to prevent unwanted gifts. There are a couple of ways about this; you could either emphasise heavily that you have been decluttering and realising how much stuff you didn’t need, or you could openly discuss what gifts you would like with the gift giver. Open up the conversation with friends and family by first asking what they would like for Christmas, birthdays or special occasions. By opening up the floor to discussion, you would then have the opportunity to detail specifics about what you might like as gifts too. If they seem hesitant discuss how you feel about wanting to gift something that is purposeful and thoughtful and it will hopefully lead the example way forward.

What to do with the gifts?

  1. Donate them to charity – This would suit a variety of gifts such as toiletries, electronics, books and clothes. It will give the charity an opportunity to make money from the gift items.
  2. Re-gift – Some gifts are a little more generic or maybe don’t suit you or what you need, but they could be perfect for someone else. It might be helpful to have a gifting drawer or box and fill it with gifts that could be repurposed.
  3. Return the gift – This could mean returning to the gift giver or to the store it was brought from. It depends on the type of gift and whether or not a receipt was given with the gift. If it is still packaged some stores will accept returns if it is obvious that it was brought from them. Alternatively, you could return the item to the gift giver, but this can be a little trickier. It may help to explain your reasons, such as already having a duplicate of the item.

Gifting in a different way

Another option moving forward is to move away from gifts altogether. Why not gift and receive time and experiences instead. Have a meal out with friends, get tickets to an event that you could enjoy together, bake them a cake, cook their favourite meal. You could get inventive here, or you could ask for a similar thing each year. It will still be a surprise as a baked cake could be different each year.

Gifts no longer need to be a burden each Christmas and birthday. Enjoy the opportunity to spend time with others and remove the unwanted items from the gift giving process.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

How to set decluttering goals… https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/12-days-of-christmas-decluttering-day-9-how-to-set-decluttering-goals/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.ย https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes