12 days of christmas decluttering

12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 3 Items to Sell or Donate

For the 3rd day of Christmas decluttering give you to a selection of items that you could donate or sell to get ready for Christmas. If you haven’t been following already, each Christmas I share 12 days of decluttering challenges. Some of these are small, some of these are larger activities. But the idea is that it gets you motivated to clear out your home in the run up to the new year.

Items to sell or donate

So for this declutter challenge we are going to think about items that we can sell or donate. It is a great time of year to have a clear out and try and sell items. Lots of other people will be on the hunt for a bargain, especially after such a tough financial year. Secondhand is the way forward and we should absolutely be advocating a reduce, reuse, recycle approach to Christmas and gift giving. So let’s look at some easy items that can be sold or donated. Within each area I will discuss how best to sell the items or where you can donate them.

Electronic devices

Do you have any unused phones, consoles or devices in your home that are sitting in a drawer or cupboard and not being used? Ask yourself the following questions:. Are you likely to use them in the next year? Have you used them in the last year? Why are you keeping them? If you are someone that regularly purchases the latest model it is worth selling on your other devices more quickly as they depreciate in value over time and become less efficient. There will always be someone that isn’t bothered about having the latest model (like me!) that would pay a good rate for second hand nearly new models. These items will sell well before Christmas or could make great presents too! These can be sold on local marketplaces on social media or via auction sites such as eBay.


Have you accumulated a number fo furniture pieces over the year and have rooms that feel cluttered? Why not embrace the idea of space in your home. Furniture can be hit and miss when it comes to retaining its value, but if you have solid pieces of furniture you should be able to get a decent price selling on local marketplaces on social media. There are several charities that will also collect furniture. So if you have larger, more bulky pieces that would be a great way to get items out of your home quickly.


Are you someone that buys the latest fad appliances? I believe the air fryer is the current trend (I am definitely not one for following trends). Why not sort through and declutter any that you are unlikely to use. These items will be easy to sell on social media and will free up valuable space in your home.


How often do you go through your wardrobe and declutter? If it’s been longer than a year then you really need to get back in there and see what’s happening. How many items are still brand new with labels on? There are some great selling sites such as Vinted, eBay and social media pages that will allow you to get a decent price for each item. For children’s clothes, I find creating bundles in each size the easiest method. Most parents would be quite happy to buy a bundle of secondhand clothing as they grow so quickly!

Bags and Purses

Again, bags and purses often retain their value. If you have more than your heart could possibly desire, why not consider donating or selling so that someone else can experience the fun of the item? There are only so many bags a person needs! These can also be sold on Vinted, eBay and social media and will go for a good price so long as they are in good condition.

Whilst some items you may think are worthy of selling, there may be some that you would rather donate to a good cause and help a charity out or to those that need the items more.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more 12 Days of Christmas Decluttering https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/declutter-your-home-one-month-challenge/

Here is my youtube channel for more information https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/how-to-get-started-with-decluttering/