12 days of christmas decluttering

12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 7 – 15 minute timer

For the 7th day of Christmas decluttering we are going to set a 15 minute timer and declutter an area in our homes. So far, for the 12 days of Christmas decluttering we have done a range of different decluttering challenges. But sometimes the simplest ones are the best. Why not get some music playing and set that timer for 15 minutes and see what you can achieve.

Getting started

This time of year is great for decluttering. If you can get in early enough, you have the opportunity to make some extra cash or donate items to a worthy cause. Having the motivation to declutter can sometimes be the barrier to getting started. This is why I came up with the little acts of decluttering https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/little-acts-of-decluttering-part-8/ challenges to keep it small and manageable. But if these little acts are too specific, then a 15 minute timer is going to be perfect for you. This will allow you to keep chipping away at an area in small chunks of time so that it becomes manageable and not so overwhelming.

Ready, set, declutter…

So the timer is set. 15 minutes of decluttering. Remember, you are in charge of the decluttering process. You have the power to say keep, sell or donate to all the items you uncover.

I have a video below sharing my 15 minute declutter of under the bed. This is where I keep old diaries, photos and some sentimental items.

I would love to know how you get on with your 15 minute declutter – did you get rid of more than you thought?

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more information check out my youtube channel… https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes