12 days of christmas decluttering

12 Days of Christmas Decluttering Day 8: Swedish Death Cleaning

For the 8th day of Christmas decluttering, I give to you Swedish death cleaning. Have you heard of this? This is a new concept that has been flying around the world of minimalism and I can really see why. It’s based on a book called The Gentle art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson (https://amzn.to/3YHJI1f). Magnusson was dealing with the death of her parents and her husband and realised the burden of having to go through their items. If you think about how difficult grief is on its own, let alone when dealing with a house load of possessions. She decided that the solution was to begin decluttering your possession before you pass. The concept is aimed at those over 60, but I think it is a great concept to live life by.

Swedish death cleaning

1. Get others involved

What would they like to keep? Think carefully about what things are meaningful to others. Is there anything you know that your family or friends would love to keep? It is also vital to share important documents with a trusted person or two such as your will and bank details.

2. Start by finding items to sell

Try and see if there are any items in your home that could be sold for cash. Earn extra cash by selling your items to be able to have everyday adventures. Life is for living so why not sell the items now so that you can enjoy the money and go on adventures you have always wanted to go on!

3. Start decluttering simple items

Start with the easiest items first. This could be clothes, shoes or books, etc. You decide where to start and make sure you are thinking carefully about each item.

4. Ask: will anyone be happier if I save this?

What items would be meaningful to pass on or is it something nobody would want? Really consider the value of each item for others. Would they really like it or is it only you that enjoys the item?

5. Gift sentimental items

There are many items around your home that will be sentimental to you and to your family and friends. So why not gift the items to them now so you can enough the moment. This will make the item even more sentimental as they will have the memory of when you gifted it. One thing to consider is making sure it fits with their lifestyles or personality.

6. Save what matters most to you

Important stuff to you but not others can still be kept. You can signal to others that they can get rid of it by labelling the box as throw away. This means you still get the joy of keeping it for now, but the guilt of throwing it away after you pass is eliminated.

I hope you have found this helpful. It’s a strange thought to be thinking about your death, but who wouldn’t want to make that experience less stressful on others?

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more information, check out my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes