12 days of christmas decluttering

12 Days of Christmas Decluttering: Day 9 How to Set Decluttering Goals

Goals will help you to stay motivated, help you to make clear decisions and prevent clutter from creeping back in.

How to set decluttering goals!

1. Have a clear vision

What’s your end goal? What are you hoping to accomplish with your goals? Is it about having an easy to maintain house, are you looking to downsize or start a simple way of living?

2. Then break this down into small achievable steps.

Once you have a clear vision, you will be able to break this down into smaller achievable steps. Each of those small steps becomes a goal. As you complete each step (each goal) you are continuing to work towards the bigger vision!

3. Ask key questions when decluttering

What is the purpose? What do I think will make me happy? Thinking about these questions will help you to know whether your goal is purposeful and has meaning.

4. Keep it visible

Have your goal written somewhere that you will see daily to remind you to keep going. Seeing it regularly will keep you motivated and will inspire you to keep working towards the end goal.

5. Review and modify your goals regularly as needed.

It is important to accept that things happen in daily life, such a becoming busy and priorities needing to change, so be kind to yourself and adjust goals to suit this. It may mean taking longer to achieve them, but there is no point putting additional pressure as this will not keep you motivated to carry on. You may also need to change the specifics of the goal – rather than a whole room, it could be one smaller area of the room or piece of furniture. It will then help you to keep motivated if the goals match what you are able to achieve.

Setting goals will help you to achieve your decluttering aspirations!

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more ideas… https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/12-days-of-christmas-decluttering-day-8-swedish-death-cleaning/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes