5 ways to declutter your home

5 Ways to Declutter Your Home

Here are 5 Ways to declutter your home to become a minimalist. Easy! Let’s get straight into it…

1. Have 3 boxes – donate, sell and trash.

Keeping the clutter contained and organised as your sort through it will make it easier to clear away the mess. Have a box for donations and allocate time each week to taking the items to a charity or recycle shop. A second box for items that you can sell to help raise some extra funds. Make sure that you are reasonable about which items will generate income and which are easier to donate. There are plenty of sites to use to sell old items these day so take your pick. Finally have a box (or preferably a bin bag) to put any rubbish in. When it’s full it can go straight into the recycle bin or black bin ready to be collected. No need to hang on to this one! This system will make clearing up after a decluttering session much easier to manage.

2. Focus on one area at a time.

Trying to get a whole room done in one go is a bigger job than you think. Once you start, it can become difficult to keep going and to stay motivated to finish. I suggest that you focus in on one area at a time. By doing this you can feel small successes each time you finish that little area. If you take before and after photos of each area, you will really see the difference you have made. Another reason is to ensure you stay motivated, as only giving yourself a small area feels more achievable and realistic.

3. Have a time limit.

Setting yourself a limit of how long to spend decluttering each time will mean that you can really get involved in making a difference in an area. It will also mean you are able to take the pressure off trying to do it all at once. A time limit will also give you a fun goal to work towards. You can then know that when the time is up, you can then carry on with the rest of your activities without the guilt. All the small time spent decluttering will soon add up to a big change and it’s worth it!

4. Turn hangers the wrong way.

If you don’t know how to get started with decluttering your wardrobe, then do it in a more relaxed why using the hangers. The ideas is that you turn each hanger the wrong way round. As you use each item you turn the hanger round when putting the clothes back in the wardrobe. It will help you see which items you wear on a regular basis. Decide how long you will wait – a month, 2 or 6, for example and after your allotted time, consider decluttering those items that you haven’t worn.

5. Ask key questions.

Letting go of items can be tricky, especially when you have huge volumes of things to work through. When you get stuck on more sentimental items, or items that have a financial worth connected to them try asking key questions to assess whether or not to let go. Will I use it? Have I used it in the past year? Is it broken? Do I already have this? Is this serving a purpose? Do I need the item to be able to connect to the memory?

These are great fun ways to get started with decluttering and will keep you motivated to keep going!

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more little actsโ€ฆ https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/minimalism/little-acts-of-decluttering/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes