little acts of decluttering

February: for the LOVE of clutter

It’s the month of love and you may already have a love hate relationship with clutter and decluttering. My method is to share a little act of decluttering each day to help you declutter your home. Here are February’s little acts of decluttering.

You are absolutely in the right place. And if you are struggling to know how to start then the little acts of decluttering will be just what you need. The idea is to get you decluttering in a small area of your home at a time, such as a drawer, bedside table, or books (I can already hear you cursing me for that one). But reducing down the clutter in each area can really make a difference to your daily life. Focusing in on one category can help you assess how much you already have, allow you to choose favourites and declutter the excess. 

The 4 box method

When decluttering, I highly recommend the 4 box method. I will leave a link for a video on this that goes into more detail. Essentially you will need a box, basket or bag for items to donate, items to sell, items to keep and items that are rubbish.  Sorting as you go helps to keep things contained so that you have that flexibility of stopping and starting as you please. 

I have mapped out the whole month into a handy calendar, which I will leave for you below.ย 

If you want to make 2024 your year to declutter, then there is a 2024 diary available which will guide you through that is available on Amazon. I have also written a book called Little Acts of Decluttering, that goes into detail about all of the areas, as well as providing tips to keep motivated, challenges you can try and advice to be successful. 

I look forward to hearing how you get on with these! Comment below!

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more information check out my youtube channel

For more information, check out this post:ย