how to keep motivated when decluttering

How to keep motivated when decluttering!

So you’ve started to decluttering, but it’s not coming to an end. Here are the best ways to keep motivated when decluttering so that you can get the job finished and your home as you want it to be.

1. Have a goal or reason.

Having a clear reason as to why you are trying to declutter will remind you of the purpose and why it’s important to keep going. Never underestimate the power of ‘why’. Knowing this why is the best motivator you can have!

2. Set a timer.

This is a fun way to keep things in small manageable chunks so that this doesn’t become an overwhelming task. This can also reduce the pressure of feeling like you have to do everything at once or that you having achieved anything. Small chunks of time decluttering is going to make it easier to get started again after a rest period or on another day.

3. Take before and after photos.

If you want to see the impact each time you get decluttering, try taking before and after photos. This will help you to see the progress even when you feel like you haven’t spent much time on it. The progress will be noticeable to you. You could also share this with friends that are supporting you on your decluttering journey.

4. Play music, podcasts or audiobooks.

Making decluttering a fun and enjoyable experience isn’t easy for everyone. But throwing on your favourite songs or listening to an audiobook will make it a personal and carefree experience that you will look forward to doing on a regular basis.

5. Plan a reward.

It is important you find a way to celebrate your decluttering. This could be done with small rewards each time you declutter or could be done after completing zones, etc. Decide what reward you want and it will help you to keep chipping away and working towards it.

6. Have a declutter buddy.

Decluttering can be a lonely and isolating experience. Having someone that either wants to do the same in their home or someone that can just support you in your journey will help you have someone to share your successes with. Sharing what’s going well and how you are doing will allow you to feel that success on another level.

7. Create daily decluttering habits.

Doing a little each day is one of the easiest ways to keep on top of things. By creating daily decluttering habits, you are changing your mindset around items and how they make you feel. You have a new appreciation for the things you decide to keep, but also daily decluttering will help make things manageable and help you keep chipping away at the clutter. You got this!

Motivation is the key to success. These tips will ensure you keep working away at your goals.

Rachel, declutter your life.

For more little actsโ€ฆ

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