March Little Acts of Decluttering

March Little Acts of Decluttering

I hope you enjoyed Februaryโ€™s little act acts of decluttering, as I have another fun month of decluttering ahead for us! As we move into March, it is important to keep momentum and keep on top of the clutter with some new acts of decluttering.ย 

Little Acts of Decluttering

These little acts of decluttering are designed to keep things small and manageable. Too much at once can lead to burn out and feeling demotivated. I hope these acts of decluttering will help you tackle some new areas in your home to keep the clutter at bay. 

What to do if an area doesnโ€™t apply?

If you come across a day that has an area that isnโ€™t relevant โ€“ for example you donโ€™t wear make up or have kids, then this in an opportunity to do a more generic declutter. Why not set a timer of give yourself a number of items to declutter each day instead.

Free Download:

Let me know in the comments below if you manage to complete them all! Donโ€™t forget to follow me on Instagram or Tiktok for your daily reminder of each little act of decluttering!

For more information check out my youtube video below which goes into more detail about each area.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

January No Spend Reviewโ€ฆ

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.