little acts of decluttering may declutter your life

May the Declutter Force Be With You: 31 Days of Mini Decluttering Missions

Spring has sprung, and with it comes the urge to freshen up our homes and lives! But a complete overhaul can feel overwhelming. This May, we’re tackling clutter with bite-sized daily decluttering missions. Each day focuses on a specific area, taking just minutes to complete. By the end of the month, your home will feel lighter and brighter!

Here are some general tips for decluttering success:

  • Set a timer: Most tasks take less time than you think. Set a 20-minute timer and see how much you can accomplish!
  • The “three-pile” method: Sort items into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and toss. Be honest with yourself!
  • Ask yourself questions: Does this item spark joy? Have I used it in the past year? If not, it might be time to let it go.
  • Enjoy the process: Decluttering can be therapeutic! Put on some music, light a candle, and focus on creating a calmer space.

Now, let’s declutter!

Day 1:  Glove Box: Toss expired paperwork, organize manuals, and keep only essential items like registration and insurance.

Day 2:  Garden Tools: Sharpen, clean, and store tools properly. Donate or toss duplicates or broken items.

Day 3:  Glasses/Sunglasses: Clean and repair what you wear, donate gently used pairs, and toss scratched or broken ones.

Day 4:  20-Minute Timer Challenge: Set a timer and declutter any area โ€“ a drawer, a shelf, a corner!

Day 5:  Cutlery Drawer: Discard damaged items and mismatched pieces. Consider drawer organizers for a more streamlined look.

Day 6:  Half-Finished Craft Projects: Be honest โ€“ will you ever finish them? If not, donate supplies and free up creative energy.

Day 7:  Behind the Sofa: This dust bunny haven might hold forgotten treasures or just dust bunnies. Time to vacuum and declutter!

Day 8:  Old Credit/Debit Cards: Shred or cut them up securely before tossing them. Consider digital wallets for easier access.

Day 9:  Washing Tape Strategy: Place a piece of washing tape on rarely used utensils. After a week, see what hasn’t been used and consider decluttering.

Day 10:  Pool Inflatables: Deflate, clean, and store properly for next season. Repair small leaks or donate ones beyond repair.

Day 11:  Bedsheets: Keep only what you use and in good condition. Donate or toss worn-out sheets.

Day 12:  Clear the Dining Table: Don’t let your table become a catch-all! Put things away and enjoy a clutter-free dining experience.

Day 13:  Rugs: Shake them out, wash small ones, or consider professional cleaning for larger rugs. Declutter if they’re stained or worn beyond repair.

Day 14:  Limit Space for a Category: For example, limit hangers for clothes or shelf space for mugs. This naturally discourages overaccumulation.

Day 15:  Cutting Boards: Clean and disinfect them properly. Discard warped or cracked boards.

Day 16:  Travel Items/Bags: Clean out purses, wallets, and backpacks. Declutter old travel documents and unnecessary toiletries.

Day 17:  Children’s Toys: Donate toys your child has outgrown or no longer plays with. Involve them in the process to teach them about sharing.

Day 18:  Stairs/Under the Stairs: This often-neglected space can become a storage black hole. Declutter and dedicate the space to specific items.

Day 19:  15-Item Challenge: Find 15 items anywhere in your house to declutter. Small steps lead to big changes!

Day 20:  Bedroom Floor: Don’t let clothes pile up! Put things away daily or create a laundry basket system.

Day 21:  Travel Luggage Bags: Empty and clean them. Donate or repair bags that are no longer functional.

Day 22:  DVDs: With streaming services readily available, consider donating or selling DVDs you no longer watch.

Day 23:  Washing Supplies: Declutter expired cleaning products and organise remaining ones by function (bathroom cleaners, laundry detergents, etc.) Consider refillable containers to reduce waste.

Day 24:  Box in the Garage: Mystery boxes often hold forgotten clutter. Dedicate a day to tackling this one box, sorting, and decluttering its contents.

Day 25:  Children’s Keepsakes: Help your child create a designated keepsake box for truly special items. Declutter artwork or other items they’ve outgrown.

Day 26:  Fill a Donation Box: As you declutter throughout the month, fill a box with items in good condition to donate. Helping others declutters your home and brings joy!

Day 27:  Anything Not Worn in 12 Months: Be honest โ€“ if you haven’t worn it in a year, you probably won’t. Donate clothes that are still in good shape.

Day 28:  Old Chargers: We all have a graveyard of outdated chargers. Research if they’re compatible with any devices you still use. Recycle or toss the rest responsibly.

Day 29:  Outside Furniture: Clean and store outdoor furniture for the off-season. Discard broken or damaged pieces.

Day 30:  Stationery: Organize pens, pencils, and notebooks. Toss dried-out markers and donate unused notepads.

Day 31:  Shorts: With summer approaching, sort through your shorts. Keep what fits and donate or toss anything worn out or no longer your style.

Congratulations! You’ve completed a month of mini decluttering missions. You’ve tackled small areas, making decluttering feel manageable and achieving a more organized and clutter-free home. Remember, decluttering is a journey, not a destination. Keep these tips in mind and continue to make small decluttering choices throughout the year. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter your home โ€“ and your mind โ€“ will feel!

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For more information check out my youtube channel

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