signs of too much clutter

Signs of Too Much Clutter: Is Your Space Overwhelmed?

Living in a cluttered space can be more than just a physical challenge; it can impact your mental and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the telltale signs that your space may be overwhelmed by clutter, offering insights into the areas that may need decluttering and suggesting practical solutions for a more organised and stress-free environment.

Rooms Feel Untidy at the End of the Dayย 

A home should be a sanctuary, but if rooms consistently look untidy by day’s end, it might be a sign of clutter overload. Planning in small acts of decluttering each day will help you to chip away at the clutter.

No Usable Countertopsย 

Countertops buried under a sea of items can make daily tasks challenging. Get in the habit of clearing counter tops and surfaces each day to remove the visual clutter and create a calm space.

You Donโ€™t Know Where Your Money Is Goingย 

Clutter can disguise your spending habits. A cluttered space might be an indicator of financial disorganisation, but there are ways to regain control. Considering doing a no spend month or tracking your spend for a month to see where the money is being spent. Then create a spending plan that is realistic and gives you a budget to stick to. Try and reduce spending in key areas.

You Buy Things You Donโ€™t Need Because Itโ€™s on Saleย 

Impulse buying and clutter often go hand in hand. Try to resist the temptation of unnecessary purchases and break the cycle of accumulating more than you need.

Boxes in the Attic or Garage with Unknown Contentsย 

Unopened boxes can accumulate over time, contributing to mystery clutter. Begin to tackle these areas one box at a time. Decide if the items need to be kept, passed on to another family member or put in the bin. Consider whether it is something you have needed in the past 12 months or intend to use in the next 12 months.

It Takes Too Long to Cleanย 

Efficient cleaning should be a breeze, not a burden. Decluttering can streamline your cleaning routine, saving you time and energy.

The Sink Is Always Full of Dishesย 

A perpetually full sink can be a sign of kitchen clutter. Maintain a clutter-free kitchen by creating a routine for clearing away the dishes so that you can enjoy the benefits of a clean and organised cooking space.

Items with Tags/Labels Still On Themย 

Unworn items with tags still attached signal an excess of clothing. Creating a capsule wardrobe that aligns with your style can help it begin easier to get dressed in the morning and make decisions about what to wear. Know what you already have and get rid of anything you don’t enjoy wearing, that doesn’t fit or no longer suits your style. Knowing exactly what you have and where you are missing key pieces can help reduce unnecessary purchases.

You Feel Stressed When You Are Homeย 

Your living space should be a source of comfort, not stress. The psychological impact of clutter is bigger than you can imagine, but it is possible to make a change. Create a serene and inviting home by reducing down the number of items that you own.

You Have Stuff Everywhere โ€“ Nothing Has a Homeย 

Every item should have a designated place. Creating designated spaces for belongings can really make a difference to how easy it is to find items and tidy them away. Make sure the chosen space suits how and where you use the item. This will contribute to a clutter-free home.

Clothes Everywhere โ€“ Piles/Overflowing Drawers/In Every Roomย 

A wardrobe bursting at the seams and spilling out into other areas of your home is a sign of excess. Granted it may be full of items you love, but realistically it is more than you will ever want or need. Clothes should remain in the wardrobe only. Reducing down your items to fit the space will help you fall in love with your wardrobe all over again. Keep your favourite items and utilise all the space you have to house your clothing collection.

You Constantly Organise and Reorganiseย 

Endless cycles of organising may indicate an ongoing struggle with clutter. Break the cycle by adopting effective decluttering habits and maintaining a consistently organised space. Start by removing all items from the area, reducing down what you have and then putting things back in an organised and contained way, Baskets and trays are a great way to contain items within drawers and shelving.

You Have Expired Food in the Cupboardsย 

Expired food items not only take up valuable space but can also impact your health. Regularly go through the cupboards and get in the habit of using items up before they expire. Be realistic about whether it is an item you like and will eat, you could donate items that you don’t think you will use.

You Donโ€™t Feel Comfortable Inviting People Overย 

A cluttered home can create discomfort and embarrassment. Decluttering can transform your living space into a welcoming environment, perfect for hosting guests. It doesn’t need to be perfect, just a home that you love and feel proud of.

You Often Canโ€™t Find Thingsย 

Constantly misplacing items is a common sign of clutter. Learn organisation techniques to ensure that everything has its place, making it easy to find what you need when you need it. Start by finding everything a whole and reducing down the inventory.

Limited Floor Space/Movementย 

Clutter can encroach on your living space, limiting movement and functionality. Decluttering can create a more open and breathable environment, enhancing your overall well-being.

You Want to Declutter But Donโ€™t Know Where to Startย 

Feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of decluttering is common. I have various guides on my website and youtube channel to help you initiate the decluttering process and gradually transform your space.

You Have Duplicate Itemsย 

Duplicate items can contribute to unnecessary clutter. Learn the art of discerning between essentials and redundancies to streamline your possessions.

You Have Lots of โ€˜Just In Caseโ€™ Itemsย 

“Just in case” items can accumulate over time, adding to the clutter. Distinguish between essential preparedness and unnecessary accumulation.

You Canโ€™t Eat at the Dining Tableย 

A cluttered dining table may signal an overcrowded living space. Reclaim this central gathering spot and creating a conducive environment for shared meals.

Recognising the signs of clutter is the first step toward creating a more organised and harmonious living space. Whether you’re dealing with piles of clothes, an overflowing kitchen, or a general sense of disarray, decluttering is a transformative journey that can positively impact every aspect of your life. Embrace the process, and take back control of your space and your well-being.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more information check out my youtube channel

For more information about decluttering, check out this post:ย