minimalism declutter your life

Just another blog…

I have started blogs on numerous occasions and none have lasted longer than a post or two. So what’s different this time I hear you ask! The difference is I have found a purpose and a voice that I wish to share and communicate with others. I’m beginning a journey of which to find myself again.

There’s no time like the present to start…

I have been on many journeys in my time and have always found writing the best form of therapy to help me through my darkest days. There have been times when emotions have run wild and I’ve not known how to process or deal with these. I’ve cried, talked, shouted and screamed at the top of my voice to no avail. What works every time is journalling. Writing down my thoughts helps me to evaluate more succinctly what is worth worrying about and what can be dealt with. It helps me understand my own mind, my own opinions and those of the people around me.

I’m not one of those social butterflies that can join any group of people and make new friends easily. I find social situations awkward and scary. Large groups of people is my worst nightmare in fact. I become closed, silent and agitated at the thought of lots of different people that I don’t know. I’ve worked on this over the years, I force myself into networking situations and can now enter a room of strangers and not feel like I am under any pressure to confirm. I’ve grown to appreciate social networking for the benefits, especially now that I am teaching. I totally embrace sharing and collaborating with fellow teachers and the rewards that can be redeem from this. In fact, I have grown to love it! However, take me out of work mode and social gatherings become difficult. Give me an evening in with some close friends any day! That’s my comfort and I am happy with that.

Back to writing and what I know

Anyway, I digress. Heartbreak has brought me back to writing. The mother of all breakups has knocked me for six. My only outlet for this is to document my thoughts and processes of becoming a single mum in my 30s. I am indeed that 30 something singleton that is trying to make sense of life. I’m rediscovering who I am. And if I read another badly spelt self-help post or inspirational quote I may cry. (secretly rereads own post straight away to check for spelling errors).

So my outlet is in the form of a book. An exploration of my struggles and errors in coping with heartache. It is an ongoing process that will develop as I become further detached from that period in my life.

All my love,

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more little actsโ€ฆ

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