100 things to declutter!




So you want to declutter, but don’t know where to start? Here I propose 100 items that you can declutter in order to transform your home from messy to minimal (your version of minimal). You may not want to do all of these, they are just suggestions of items that you could declutter to transform areas within your home.

  1. Newspapers
  2. Magazines
  3. Opened envelopes
  4. Leaflets through the door
  5. Used candles
  6. Receipts (unless they are needed for tax returns)
  7. Paperwork
  8. Old membership cards in your purse/wallet
  9. Spare coats
  10. Shoes
  11. Broken sunglasses
  12. Old glasses
  13. Old bags/backpacks
  14. Spare purses/wallets
  15. Hats
  16. Gloves
  17. Scarves
  18. Books
  19. Textbooks
  20. Old birthday/Christmas cards
  21. Niknaks or ornaments
  22. Picture frames
  23. Photos – duplicates
  24. Storage boxes
  25. Pens/pencils
  26. Notebooks
  27. Parcel packaging
  28. Seasonal decorations
  29. CDs
  30. DVDs
  31. Subscriptions (tv or music)
  32. Old phones/devices
  33. Games consoles
  34. Unused electrical cables (charging cables/mystery cables)
  35. Remote controls
  36. Extension leads
  37. Mugs
  38. Glass tumblers
  39. Out of date food in the cupboards
  40. Unused food in the fridge
  41. Kitchen appliances
  42. Utensils
  43. Cookbooks
  44. Recipe cards from delivery services
  45. Takeout menus (you already know what you like to order ๐Ÿ™‚ !!)
  46. Baking trays
  47. Cookie cutters
  48. Food containers
  49. Storage baskets
  50. Plastic bags
  51. Tea towels
  52. Vases
  53. Old makeup products
  54. Cleaning products
  55. Towels
  56. Bed sheets
  57. Spare pillows
  58. Blankets
  59. Cushions
  60. Cushion covers
  61. Table cloths
  62. Coasters
  63. Table mats
  64. Side tables
  65. Out of date medicine or medicine no longer needed (most pharmacies will dispose of these safely for you)
  66. Shampoo or conditioner that you don’t like/use – can you donate these to a friend or family?
  67. Out of date suncream/after sun
  68. Travel sized items – you could use these up and then dispose of them
  69. Worn through or holey socks
  70. Underwear
  71. PJs
  72. T-shirts
  73. Clothes you haven’t worn in years
  74. Clothes that don’t fit
  75. Spare hangers
  76. Suitcases/travel bags
  77. Foreign coins
  78. Pet toys
  79. Pet leads
  80. Pet baskets
  81. Pet coats
  82. Exercise equipment
  83. Balls
  84. Sports rackets
  85. Sports bottles
  86. Sports clothing
  87. Garden furniture
  88. Plant pots
  89. Tubs of paint
  90. Old bikes
  91. Old diaries
  92. Old Calendars
  93. Old letters
  94. Craft supplies (this could be a rather large category, I know!)
  95. Old/unused curtains
  96. Storage furniture
  97. Dead plants (this happens to me a lot!)
  98. Broken pegs
  99. Garden tools
  100. Car cleaning tools

I hope this lists inspires you to tackle some items within your home. You could choose between 5 and 10 a day and blitz those items!

I would love to know how you are getting on in the comments below.

Rachel, That 30 Something Life x