tiny ways to simplify your life

20 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Over the past year, I have been taking time to reassess my life and think about how I can simplify my life. My health has become the most important to me right now, due to ongoing fatigue issues. Whilst I don’t have full answers, what I do have are a range of ways in which I have simplified my life to help me slow down and prioritise my health.

  1. Have standard go to meals each week.
  2. Create a capsule wardrobe.
  3. Use your phone calendar to set reminders/schedule events.
  4. Buy only core makeup items that you would use every day.
  5. Have a set bedtime and morning routine.
  6. Have regular switch-off time.
  7. Follow the 60 second rule.
  8. Declutter your home.
  9. Clear any debt.
  10. Limit your words. Mean what you say and avoid gossip.
  11. Have less screen time.
  12. Do one task at a time. Meaning less multi-tasking.
  13. Say NO!
  14. Create a simple filing system for paperwork.
  15. Pay annually whenever you can.
  16. Buy less.
  17. Choose your priorities carefully.
  18. Small amount of regular exercise.
  19. Meditate and clear your mind.
  20. Be positive.

Watch the video below to find out more about how each of these things can simplify your life.

Rachel, Declutter your Life x

For more little actsโ€ฆ https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/minimalism/little-acts-of-decluttering/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes