5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home




When you first start decluttering, it can be overwhelming looking at each room and knowing where to start. So here are 5 easy to steps to help you get started on your decluttering journey.

  1. When decluttering have 3 boxes – one for donations, one for items to sell and a bag for rubbish! This is an easy way of keeping the mess at bay when decluttering. It can be easy to just move things around the room and not feel like you have achieved anything, but this system helps you to keep things tidy as you go. When you have finished you will just have boxes and a rubbish bag to move from the room and it will be finished.
  2. Focus on one area at a time. You could start small here, such as a junk drawer or bedside table and then progress to bigger areas, such as your wardrobe or kitchen items. If you focus in on just one area, it will help you to see results quickly. Each area will become ‘finished’ and you will immediately feel the benefits of the organised space.
  3. Give yourself a time limit. Why not set a limit on how much time each day you will spend decluttering. You could do small junks, 15 mins at a time, or larger one hour slots. This will help you to slowly chip away, without feeling pressure or overwhelmed by the amount. How much time do you need to spend each day decluttering if you want to complete the whole house in 2 months? Set a time that suits you or allows you to declutter at a pace that you are happy with.
  4. Turn hangers the wrong way round in your wardrobe. This will help you to see which items you wear as when you replace an item after washing it you will hang it the correct way. After a month or two you will be able to clearly see which items you have worn and which items you need to consider selling or donating.
  5. Ask yourself some key questions: Do you use it? Is it broken? Do you have duplicate items? Do you love it? These questions will help you to decide on those items that you are just not sure about. I find this particularly helpful with sentimental items too.

Once you have started decluttering it is important that you make this a regular habit. A regular declutter, once a week or once a month will help you keep on top of things and not allow the clutter to creep back in. When you have decluttered items from your home, it is worth making sure that the items you have kept have a suitable home – check that it is accessible or in a place that will allow you to use it with ease or a place that makes sense.

I hope this will help you get started on your decluttering journey!

Rachel, That 30 Something Life x