Minimalist Self Care Ideas that are FREE!




The world of self care is a consumerist nightmare. An overwhelming array of products are on the market to reduce stress and create a calming atmosphere, but these products come at a price. Self care needn’t be expensive. In fact, it can be totally free if you are wanting to keep to minimalist traditions in every area of your life. Here are 15 self care ideas fit for a minimalist:

  1. Get outside – be at one with nature and explore your close surroundings. This is not only good for your mind, but also your body. Getting those steps and fresh air outdoors will give you a new lease of life. Nature can ground you unlike anything else.
  2. Just dance – a lot can be said for putting your favourite songs on and dancing around the house. It gets you moving, but also allows you to get a bit wild in the comfort of your own home. It’s a must!
  3. Exercise – if you’re willing to push a little further than a walk or a dance around the home, exercise is a sure fire way of releasing stress and making you feel good.
  4. Read a book – reading is great for escapism. It can give you a chance to gain new perspectives or switch off from the world. This could be a book you have been meaning to read for a few months from the bookshelf or via your local library service – most should allow access to free ebooks or audiobooks.
  5. Journalling – admittedly, this isn’t for everyone, but it can be really cathartic to write things down. Writing your darkest, deepest thoughts can help you to process them more carefully and allow you to think differently about them. If you are worried about someone seeing them – you could always burn it or chuck it after writing.
  6. Practice daily gratitude – some people like to add this to their journalling, but this could equally just be about spending 5 minutes a day thinking about what you are grateful for; the clothes you have, the tasty meal you’ve eaten, hearing birdsong on your walk to work, noting the smaller things in life, can help you appreciate some of the bigger things.
  7. Turn off your devices – a lot can be said for putting down the electronics in your life and switching them off completely. Connect to people in different ways or even take the time to be silent and take in different aspects of your environment.
  8. Watch your favourite movie – a few of my favs are Bridget Jone’s Diary and Sense and Sensibility for easy watch. I find Austen adaptations have beautiful music that is calming for the soul. It instantly puts me at ease, and because I have watched them so many times, it doesn’t take effort to watch or matter if I leave it for a moment to get snacks or a drink.
  9. Get dressed up – smartening yourself up with your favourite outfit and get glammed up with some hair and makeup can do wonders for your confidence and give you a much needed boost!
  10. Have a soothing bubble bath – you don’t need to go all out with products here – if you are lacking bubble bath, you can always squeeze a little shampoo into the running bath to create some bubbles. If you have any candles you could light one – having a soothing scent around you can improve your mood.
  11. Slow breathing and meditation – this can give you some much needed calming time. Slow breathing can really reduce stress and allow you to switch off more fully. Meditation, similarly allows you to focus in on your breath and to tune into your body.
  12. Eat a hearty meal – getting a good nourishing meal inside your body can be a real treat. Put some additional thought into making a fully nourishing meal which includes all food groups to give yourself a much needed boost.
  13. Get a good sleep routine going – as tempting as it is to have a late night at the weekend, keeping to a more consistent sleep wake time and bed time, can improve the quality of your sleep. Sleep is when your body can do repair work, so it is vital that you are getting quality sleep, and enough of it! Between 7.5 and 9 hours is optimal, but it varies per person. Find the right amount fo sleep for you.
  14. Keep your space tidy – if you’re anything like me, a tidy space can do wonders for how you feel about yourself. I find a tidy space allows me to think more clearly and move more freely around my home.
  15. Keep hydrated – your body needs that good old H2O in order to function well, do not underestimate the power of keeping hydrated; it can effect energy levels, digestion and brain function!

Whilst I don’t expect you will do these all at once, but this range will help you keep on top of your self care routine, without bursting the bank or encouraging new products into your home.

May your days be restful and calm.

Rachel, That 30 Something Life x