Why we find it hard to let go of stuff!




I find it fascinating watching shows on netflix and youtube about decluttering, organising and hoarding. Fascinating and also scary. We get so caught up in consumerism – trying new things, styles, brands or redecorating, buying nicknacks for around the home and we accumulate a lot of things. and because we pay money for something, we hold that cost as its value of the product.

When we use our things, we feel like we get our money’s worth and so when it becomes tired, worn or broken we then throw it out. That’s ok, right? We use it so its value decreases.

What happens when we keep buying things, or are given things by others and we have too many things? Mostly, we don’t use them, but often think, that will be useful someday so I’d better keep hold of that. We don’t use the items so in our heads we mentally keep hold of the items original value.

This is where the problems start. We collect these items that we don’t use and when you consider decluttering, perhaps in a spring clean or moving house, we can’t part with our things. Despite what we think an item is worth – the truth is that if we don’t use it, we aren’t getting any value for the item.

It’s time to let go.

This may be daunting at first, but you need to be honest here and see whether there really is any value in keeping the item.

What you might find helpful is donating items to a charity so that you can feel that the value of the item is transferred to someone else who will get it’s ‘worth’.

Or you may have to face the facts that the item no longer functions and it is not worth saving.

Whilst I advocate repurposing items for a different use – I would suggest approach this with caution as this may become an excuse to hold on and perhaps this is the excuse you have already been mentally using in order to keep things.

Take the plunge and be cruel to be kind.

Rachel, That 30 Something Life x