5 decluttering mistakes to avoid

5 Decluttering Mistakes to AVOID!

When you first start decluttering there are some things that can make it challenging or difficult. So I wanted to share my tips of strategies to avoid in order to make decluttering an achievable task!

5 mistakes to avoid!

  1. Getting everything out at once – as tempting as this is, taking everything out of the cupboards and shelves and laying it all out can be a daunting and overwhelming image. It can be a powerful tool to help you understand your reasons why you are wanting to declutter, but it can also demotivate you. My suggestion would be to tackle a small area at a time. This will keep the task manageable, quick and you will see instant progress as you complete each section.
  2. Being sentimental about non-sentimental items – we can attach ourselves to the silliest of things, like notebooks and frames, when actually they are not items that should be considered sentimental. The attachments are unnecessary and can slow down your ability to let go of things.
  3. Trying to get the whole household on board at once – this can become chaotic if not managed carefully. I would suggest leading by example. The rest will see the benefits of decluttering and will have watched your process and so will be better equipped to tackle their own stuff.
  4. Keeping spare items “just incase” – you do not need spare stuff! This is wasting valuable space in your home. Unless you are likely to use the item in the next month or two, there is no reason to keep hold of it. Get into the habit of only buying things when you need them so this doesn’t happen again.
  5. Not organising your space afterwards – an easy thing to forget. Everything needs to have a home and for the home to make sense. This will help you find things more easily, be able to keep track of what you have so you can see what you need. This will also mean that your space is calm and it will be stress free moving forward.

I hope these tips have been helpful.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

For my favourite items as a minimalistโ€ฆ https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/minimalism/favourite-items-that-i-own-as-a-minimalist/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes


2 responses to “5 Decluttering Mistakes to AVOID!”

  1. I am bad about all five of these, but I’m trying to do better. I’ve started trying to focus on one small area at a time.

    1. Keep trying. That’s the key. Even a little bit of decluttering is a start. It all adds up in the end. Keep going. I have lots of videos on my youtube channel to help. Rach

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