How to become a Minimalist in 7 Days #declutter

This may be a bold statement, but I think it is entirely possible to become a minimalist in just 7 days. To become minimalist you need to not only get rid of stuff, but also alter your mindset about how you value the stuff.

My suggestion is that there are 7 things that you need to do to be able to change your mindset about items in your home.

7 Days:

  1. Don’t buy a thing! You’re going to need to make a strong start by committing to not letting any more items into the home whilst you complete this process.
  2. Clear out the rubbish. Take a trash bag and go through each room binning anything that is rubbish, broken or unsalvageable.
  3. Declutter your wardrobe. This includes anything that doesn’t fit, you no longer wear or is worn through.
  4. Let go of items you haven’t used in over a year!! You haven’t used the item because it no longer serves a purpose for you. It can be hard to accept – there is always a fear that you might need it some day. But in over a year, that some day hasn’t come. Take the hint. Free up that mindset.
  5. List any items over X amount for sale. Bigger ticket items are worth trying to sell. It will help to clear debt or start savings. It is worth the time trying to sell it. You decide what your minimum is.
  6. Get rid of duplicates. Your home will be full of duplicate items, whether that’s in your wardrobe, kitchen utensils or toiletries and make up.
  7. Do nothing! Firstly, you will need a break. Secondly, when you committed to not spending this week, you had time to declutter. You also now have time to rest or have fun with family and friends. Use your time wisely.

These steps do not have to be completed in their entirety. You can just apply this to small areas in your home. But by following the process, you will begin to realise the value of the items you keep and be more mindful of what you will buy in the future. This is the shift you are looking for. Being minimalist is about creating a lifestyle and home that works for you with your favourite items and not time, space or money wasted on things you don’t like.

I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more little actsโ€ฆ

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.