how to simplify your life

How to Simplify Your Life!

Is your life feeling busier than ever and overwhelming at times? This has certainly been the case for me in recent years and I decided that enough was enough and it was time to change the way I lived and simplify my life. Life does not have to be complicated and busy. It can also be calm and satisfying too. So let’s talk about how we can simplify your life to represent a minimalist lifestyle.

10 Ways to Simplify Your Life…

1. Create a capsule wardrobe.

The first way to make things easier is to simplify your decision making and this starts first thing in the morning when getting dressed. Creating a capsule wardrobe is easier than you think and only requires you to select a few key pieces that can mix and match with each other to create a larger number of outfits to wear. If you have a smaller selection of outfit choices, it is going to make getting ready in the morning quick and easy. More time to relax and get set up for the day.

2. Batch cook and meal plan.

You may already know about my love of batch cooking, but this is by far an easy way to get yourself ahead of the game and give yourself an easier time on other days. If you can get in the habit of cooking a bigger batch of your favourite meals, once or twice a week, you will free up a selection of ‘ready meals’ in your fridge and freezer that only then need reheating. That means less time spent cooking on another night, as well as a quicker meal ready to eat. Win, win!

3. Have fewer time committments.

It can be easy to be signed up to different clubs and get togethers, but that doesn’t schedule in valuable rest and relaxation time. Rest is vital for longevity, but it is rarely prioritised. Try reducing the number of commitments you have to activities, events and catching up with friends. It will also then help you tune in and recognise how value the occasions are when you do meet. Take away the pressure to be doing something all of the time.

4. Automate bills.

I have been doing this one for a long time and it works a treat. If, like me, you have a monthly pay cheque, try and get your direct debits to be set up for just after pay day. This means that all bills have come out and you don’t then need to think about it. I do this for most bills and they are usually all out by the 2nd of the month, which then only leaves food and petrol to pay for in the month. It takes away the additional thinking time required by manually paying bills. Sometimes this can be more expensive (for example with car insurance which is better paid annually), but for any monthly bills like rent, energy and water services, straight after pay day is easiest.

5. Reduce screen time.

Be honest here. How many hours to you spend on your phone or watching TV. probably a lot higher than the figure you were just thinking of. That is far more than is recommended by anyone. Try and be selective about how much time is spent on certain apps and what you choose to watch on TV. Get out of the habit of binge watching a series in one night and spread that joy over the week or months. It will create more calm and space for creativity fi you spend less time watching programmes.

6. Clear any debt.

If you’re wanting to take any some stress, the easiest starting point is to clear any debt you may have. Debt causing more stress and anxiety than you realise and will really add to the chaos of life. If you have no debt to worry about you will spend less time thinking about payments, etc. So if you can, put any spare pennies towards the debt to clear it faster and to reduce the strain on your finances.

7. Buy less stuff.

The more stuff you own the more you have to clean, tidy, organise, finance and consider in your daily life. So reducing your inventory and the amount of inventory entering your home will help to create a more stable and consistent home that does not become overwhelmed with stuff. Buying less stuff will also mean you are spending less time wandering around shops ad free up some valuable time for rest and other things.

8. Say no.

How many times have you said ‘yes’ to things that you didn’t want to do in the past few weeks? It’s surprising isn’t it that we automatically say yes to things without considering the implications on our time and energy. Since my worsening struggle with fatigue, I have really started to prioritise what is best for me and that means saying no to meeting up with others, and saying no to additional work commitments. This isn’t easy for me (I am definitely a people pleaser!), but now I come first.

9. Simplify chores.

I’m not going to lie, I am not big on doing chores. It is my least favourite thing to do. I do the basics on a daily basis, like clear the table, do the dishes and clean the surfaces in the kitchen but other things are done less frequently and that is ok. You could reduce how much time is spent hoovering and cleaning unnecessarily and focus on rest and recovery.

10. Turn off notifications.

This is by far my favourite tip and it has done me the world of good. I used to have notifications for everything, a like on a picture, an app, an email, the list could go on. Thankfully, I am now in the position of only having important notifications turned on. Everything else can wait, specifically apps, then can wait until I choose to click into the app. Previously, I used to get attached to the bing of my phone every few minutes and it become too intense. We need to step away from this culture and focus in on what’s important. Messages and calls are the only important things for me now. I don’t even have work emails on my phone! I’m a changed woman!

I guarantee that simplifying your life with some or all of these tips will have a positive impact on your wellbeing and that can only be a good thing!

Let me know which tips you try in the comments below to simplify your life.

Rachel, Declutter your Life x

For my favourite items as a minimalistโ€ฆ

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.