Little Acts of Decluttering Part 1

Here are some little acts of decluttering. Having the time to declutter is one of the biggest reasons why it gets put off. It could be that you are so overwhelmed with clutter that you don’t know where to start.

I suggest you start small. Start by creating small decluttering habits that will become ingrained longer term and be more effective. To do this I am suggesting little acts of decluttering.

The idea is that you try and do these littles acts within your daily life so that decluttering becomes a small and natural habit that only takes a few minutes at a time.

Little acts of decluttering:

  • Start with a short timer – maybe 5-10 mins and just do what you can in that time. This could be a small area or within a room.
  • Clear a surface – this could be the kitchen side, bedside table, dressing table or dining table. Anywhere that is accumulating stuff!
  • Have a donation box in the house – when it is full you are ready to donate.
  • Grab a bin bag – go round the house and fill with any items that are purely rubbish as fast as you can.
  • Look out for duplicate items. One should be enough!
  • When you finish reading a book, decide straight away if it is a book you want to keep or donate. You could donate to a little library (these are springing up all over the place) or a friend or family member. Get in the habit of making the decision at the crucial time.
  • When sorting through the laundry, check for worn through items, clothes that you don’t love or don’t fit to your liking.
  • When tidying away toys, bin any that are broken and donate ones that you think aren’t being played with anymore.
  • When putting make up on, decide if there are any palettes or products that you don’t like anymore, have passed their expiry date (there is a open pot image and number of months you should keep the product after opening). Expiry dates are particularly important for products that are near the eyes such as eyeshadows and mascara!!
  • Get in the habit of using up products – such as shampoos and conditioners, make up.
  • If a drawer is full and can’t close, try and declutter enough items so that it can close again.
  • Check for expired food. You could do a shelf at a time whilst cooking.
  • Plan meals using up food you already have.
  • When choosing a film to watch using a subscription, think about clearing out any DVDs that you are unlikely to watch again, or if you have them digitally.
  • When reaching for a towel or bed sheets, take note and declutter any you don’t like the feel of or won’t use. One spare is enough for each bed.

Start small and declutter at a pace that works for you. These acts of decluttering will help transform your mindset.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more little acts of decluttering…

For more information check out my youtube channel…


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