little acts of decluttering

Little Acts of Decluttering Part 2

Continuing on from the previous post…I have more little acts of decluttering (part 2) to create decluttering habits that are small and achievable.

Little acts of decluttering…

  • Go paperless
  • Find everything a home.
  • Have a declutter buddy
  • Find 10 items to get rid of
  • Touch things once
  • Ask yourself – does it spark joy
  • Go through unused gifts – its the transaction that is important – not the gift itself. No need to feel guilty about rehoming it.
  • Have a one-in-one-out policy
  • Use the 90/90 rule – have you used it in the last 90 days and will you use it in the next 90 days?
  • Use washi-tape to declutter – add a piece of washi tape onto each item – when you use an item remove the tape. After six months (or a time length set by you) declutter any items that still have tape (the unused items).
  • Ask yourself – would you buy it again? to decide whether you should keep the item.
  • Use hangers in your wardrobe – turn them the wrong way. After a period of time declutter the items you haven’t used – you decide the length of time.
  • Limit yourself – only allowed a certain amount of space for a category of item.

Small changes can have a big impact! Little acts of decluttering (part 2) will keep you creating minimalist habits that are easy to maintain.

Rachel, Declutter your life x

For more little acts of decluttering…

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.