Little Acts of Decluttering: Part 3

These little acts of decluttering (part 3) are getting additive! I have more ways in which you can create daily habits that prevent clutter from piling up and maintain a minimalist home.

Little acts of decluttering…

Let’s get started…

  • don’t let clothes pile up.
  • start small
  • put washing away as soon as it’s dry
  • go through shoes – rid yourself of any that are uncomfortable, don’t fit or are worn through.
  • get rid of duplicate photos – on your device or physical copies.
  • spare/duplicate electrical cables – match up cables to their devices, declutter any that don’t go with a device or any that are damaged or duplicate. chances are you won’t be charging everything at the same time.
  • donate unused cookbooks
  • go through your phone and delete unused apps
  • Declutter under the bed – reduce what you store there.
  • sports equipment
  • Travel items
  • coats
  • Under the sink
  • cups and beakers
  • windowsills


For each section, be thorough and fair to yourself. Know that you have the power to create a clutter free home and to do so will take time and effort. However, these little acts of decluttering (part 3) help to break it down into different areas so that the task because manageable.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For more little acts of decluttering…

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.