minimalist golden nuggets

Golden Nuggets to being a minimalist




Since decluttering my home, I have come across several golden nuggets of information to help become a minimalist.

Minimalist Golden Nuggets…

1. Quality over quantity.

Minimalism means that you find the value of each item. So when you need to replace or purchase an item it is about buying once, but a item built to last. You want a quality item and not have to replace the item regularly.

2. It saves you time and money.

Now that you have adopted a minimalist mindset, you will find yourself spending less time in shops, freeing up valuable time for other activities, like spending time with family and friends. Not hovering around the shops means you will be spending less money overall, as you are now realising the true value of each item that you bring into your home. Is it really worth buying in the first place? That money can go towards other things like bills, debt or savings.

3. Each piece brought is considered.

Purchasing an item is not a quick job anymore. You will find yourself asking a number of questions about any item you want to purchase. I.e., will it serve a purpose? Do I need it? Is it worth the cost? Will it bring me joy? Often I can take weeks or months deciding on whether to buy something. Half of the time i forget about the item (meaning it was not a necessary purchase anyway) and others times i end up finding it cheaper by waiting too.

4. Spend less time in stores to reduce temptations.

This is key to becoming a minimalist. Don’t put yourself in the position where you will be tempted to make a purchase. Avoid shopping as a leisure activity and do something different instead. Go for walks or take up a hobby.

5. Create daily habits for decluttering.

The key to minimalism is to keep decluttering. You need to keep chipping away at the clutter until it is at a level you are happy with. An easy way to do this is to start daily decluttering habits that will soon become part of your natural way of life. Small acts of decluttering soon add up to a big change and you will soon start to see the difference you have made.

Minimalism will transform your life and I hope these tips help you to get there too!

Rachel, Declutter your life X

For more little actsโ€ฆ

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.