20 things i no longer buy

Minimalist Living: 20 Things I No Longer Buy

Ok, so minimalism has been part of my life for over 2 years now and I have come across a new mindset that has saved me so much time and money over the years. Here is a list of 20 things I no longer buy as a minimalist.


I don’t want to be wasteful. I want to make sure that anything I buy is purposeful and meaningful to me and my family.

  1. Duplicates – such as similar items within your wardrobe or kitchen utensils. When I am buying something I am always thinking about whether I already have something that does the same thing so that I don’t have unnecessary items in my home.
  2. Things I can’t afford – I am realistic with my budget. If I want to buy something that is a bit more expensive then I will save up to do so. I would not be using credit cards to make any purchases.
  3. Things I could borrow – Why buy something that you don’t think you will use much. If it’s a small job that needs doing with a tool, I will see if I can borrow the tool first.
  4. Items I could buy secondhand – Purchasing second hand can save a lot of money and is more environmentally friendly. It stops things going to waste.
  5. Fast fashion clothes – I am purposeful with any purchase so that it is something that will have longevity and will be versatile for a number of different occasions. I want my money’s worth out of an item. I refuse to purchase fashion prints or styles. I would rather buy something that I know suits me, matches my style and colour palette.
  6. New gadgets or phones – It is not sustainable environmentally to be keeping up to date with the latest and greatest items. I purchase things that will last and will be used rather than a fad item.
  7. Newspapers or magazines – I get my info and news elsewhere now. I used to love a magazine, but it always felt so wasteful with the printed paper.
  8. Home decor items – knickknacks are on the way out for me. I avoid these as it makes keeping the house clean and tidy much more of a chore.
  9. Bank fees – I will only pay for fees if I am profiting through cash back. I wouldn’t get enough from the benefits that are on offer.
  10. Apps – I rarely use apps on my phone and can usually get a free version on my phone if needed.
  11. Alcohol – I rarely drink or have people round to drink, so it feels like a non-essential for me. I have stuff left in the cupboard, but it was all gifted.
  12. Calendars – I have a digital calendar on my phone, so I no longer purchase paper ones to hang up. It makes it much easier to keep on track of events if they are stored on my phone.
  13. Souvenirs – This has ended for me. I used to buy snow globes etc, but found that I wouldn’t look at them after and didn’t serve a meaning for me.
  14. Things that won’t last – I think its about quality over quantity.
  15. Gym membership – I love to exercise, but I like to do this in my own time scale and place. I love badminton and walking. I sometimes do yoga to help stretch too.
  16. Seasonal decorations – I only put up christmas decorations, but these are the same every year.
  17. Face creams – A basic moisturiser does the job for me!
  18. Phone accessories – I have one phone cover that is on permanently.
  19. Furniture – I do not need any furniture and would only consider buying replacements.
  20. Single use items – If I don’t think I will use it more than once then it isn’t worth the purchase. Consider whether you will really get your money’s worth out of the item.

There are 20 items I no longer buy. Have you started feeling the same about some of these as you have started decluttering? It’s surprising how it makes you think differently.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

The beginning of my minimalist living series… https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/decluttering/minimalist-living-how-to-start-living-with-less/

For more info check out my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes