Minimalist Living: Living With Less




Minimalist living: You may have a preconceived idea of what minimalism is. You may think it means to live a boring and mundane life with little joy, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. A minimalist lifestyle, is rich, fulfilling and present in the moment. Yes, it may be a life with less, but it is fuller than you can imagine.

I stumbled across minimalism by accident. What I was doing was decluttering my home and spending as little as possible. As I started clearing out the things in my home, I realised the true value of each item. Items that I had spent money on had become worthless, as they weren’t serving me a purpose. Items are only worth having if they are purposeful and fulfil a need.

The process of decluttering:

I began selling items and donating as much as I could. Whilst the process was sometimes chaotic, the end result was a clean and tidy home. I had organised what was left, so that everything had a home. It made life that little bit easier to manage. I could see all of the clothing that I love straight away in the morning, making choosing an outfit oh so much simpler.

In my quest to save money, very little would then enter my home. This meant that it was a consistently tidy and organised home as the clutter didn’t start to accumulate as it would when you continue to bring new items in. It was freeing and also alarming to think how much money I had been spending on items that weren’t serving me a purpose. As I progressed through the process, I realised how I was beginning to consider each and every purchase. I was now only purchasing items that I truly needed and would make me happy.

Minimalism living and wellbeing:

As my health has deteriorated during recent years, minimalism has allowed me to feel a sense of calm, purpose and organisation to my life that I was clearly missing. Even though my health is not great, I had a home that suits my needs, easy to clean, inspiring and full of items I love. I also began to think about minimising my lifestyle in other ways, such as activities and friendships. I began prioritising those that were important, but also knowing when to say no or rest according to my body’s needs. It has helped me manage my fatigue in a way that allows me to accept and acknowledge when to rest and when to socialise. A very freeing feeling.

Minimalist Living: Golden Nuggets:

Here is what minimalist living with less means to me:

  • having more time to rest
  • having more money
  • having space in my home
  • a tidy home
  • a clutter free home
  • seeing all the things I love
  • carefully chosen items
  • items that last

Life is short, fill it with what matters!

Rachel, Declutter your life x

More more decluttering ideas…

For more information check out my youtube channel…