practical ways to own less


So you’ve decided you want to own less stuff. A simple, intentional life is calling you, but maybe you’re not sure how to simplify things. Here are some practical ways to own less. 

  1. Compare less
  2. Spend less
  3. Practice gratitude
  4. Embrace space
  5. Declutter as you go
  6. Buy experiences
  7. Shop second-hand
  8. Wait to purchase 
  9. Go for multipurpose
  10. Borrow/exchange

Compare less

One of the main reasons we buy so much and fill our homes is the need or desire to ‘keep up with the Jones’. We feel like we need the latest gadgets, to fill every space in the room and to try the latest fashion trends. We compare ourselves to others and decide we want what someone else has because they look happy, so having that thing will make me happy. Our comparisons lead us to wanting more, and this is often our biggest downfall. So comparing less to others will be a sure fire way to wanting and owning less. 

Spend less

Owning less is directly linked to how much money we spend. A no spend challenge is a great way to reduce your spending. If regular spending and impulse buys are your downfall, then a no spend challenge is going to help you become more conscious of your spending habits. Try and avoid spending each day. You could mark each day on a calendar for days that you haven’t spent any money. You can also look at not spending anything at all during the month on certain categories, like clothing, takeaways, etc. 

Practice gratitude

Spending less is often due to not feeling like we have what we want. We don’t always appreciate what we already have. By practicing gratitude we begin to appreciate what we have, give our things a new sense of purpose and thought in our life. Be thankful for all of the wonderful things you own and find ways to utilising these items so that they fulfil their purpose within your home. 

Embrace space

We get this urge in our homes to fill every space to show our wealth and to make it feel cosy. A cosy space can equally be created through a carefully curated space, one with areas of vacancy. Space is also a sign of wealth and can make the home feel bigger and welcoming. Clear away any unnecessary furniture to allow for a more open feel to your home. 

Declutter as you go

Owning less can be difficult to maintain if you don’t continue to declutter. Daily decluttering habits are key to keeping items to a minimum. As you let go of items you can become more attuned to your needs and desire and feel more confident letting go of more items that you are not needing. You can follow my social media accounts for daily little acts of decluttering to help you developing your decluttering habits with regular reminders of different areas to work through. 

Buy experiences, not things

Often gift giving encourages the endless cycle of buying items that people don’t want or need. However, there is a new alternative to physical items, experiences make excellent gifts. The gift of time together, events, days out and creating memories far outweighs the physical items. 

Shop second-hand

Being more sustainable with purchases can help us to better understand our wants and needs. Second-hand items mean you are often taking time to find and curate items that suit you or your home. This will also help curb the spending, with costs being lower also. Remember to always shop with a wish list so that you don’t begin impulse purchasing. 

Wait to purchase 

Impulse purchases are some the easiest ways to fill up your home with things. Buying a new trending clothing item, or something on offer can lead to us purchasing things that we didn’t quite need Having a wish list and then waiting a month before purchasing can help you to assess whether it is an item that you really need. Sometimes when reflecting back on the item you wanted, it is something we had forgotten about or better still realise it wouldn’t have quite been the fit you were looking for. 

Go for multipurpose

Single use items can easily clutter up our spaces. Different appliances that do different tasks can clutter the counter tops, the cupboards and end up meaning we forget about them or not use them as often. Try buying items that are multipurpose so as to avoid buying many similar or varied items. Similar can be said for duplicates. Having only one of an item is key to keeping spaces clutter free by owning less.  


Do you always need to purchase if it is an item you will rarely use? Consider whether you can borrow an item either to try it out before purchasing or to be able to do a short term task and then return the item. Exchanging items is also a good way to limit what is coming into your home. You could an appliance swap or clothing swap to try out new styles or for something new to wear for a special occasion. 

Following these steps will help you to own less and live a more intentional life. 

Rachel, Declutter Your Life X

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For little acts of decluttering: