cost of living crisis declutter your life

Cost of Living Crisis: money saving hacks.

While some of you are very familiar with my budgeting, money savings hacks and no spend challenges, there are many that have unfortunately joined us with the current cost of living crisis. Prices for food, petrol and energy bills reaching new highs, far too many are now wondering how they are going to get by each month. Whether you are someone that is already on the breadline, or very close to, I have a number of ways in which you can cut costs and get the best for your money.

Money Saving Hacks:

Here are my best money saving hacks to give you some financial stability and control again whilst riding the waves of the cost of living crisis!

  • Firstly, buy items when they are on offer. Clearly, items that you buy regular will often come up on offer. This is the time to buy.
  • Pay for insurance annually – you should shop around for the best deal and pay annually to save the direct debit fee.
  • My go to staple money saving tip is to meal plan. Specifically, you need to know roughly what meals you are having each week before you go food shopping. Make sure you check what ingredients you already have in the cupboard first and then add what you don’t have onto the shopping list.
  • Batch cook – there are options here. You could make a big batch and eat it for a couple of days in a row or you could freeze the extra portions for another week.
  • Take left overs to work for lunch.
  • Make your own sweet treats – I tend to make a cake or brownie every 1-2 weeks.
  • Dry clothes outside to avoid using a tumble dryer.
  • Sell unwanted items in your home to earn extra income.
  • Reduce subscriptions for music and entertainment to the bare minimum.
  • Buy items secondhand (items can be in very good condition, for a fraction of the costs). This can be done for any items, I do this for birthdays and Christmas too.
  • Furthermore, try fakeaways instead of takeaways to save money and enjoy your favourite foods. Get creative in the kitchen and try some new recipes to create your favourite takeaway dishes.
  • Track your outgoings. Particularly, set up a spreadsheet that lists every outgoing, so you know exactly when each bill is coming out so that you can keep on top of this!
  • Try and get most direct debits to come out straight after pay day. This will mean you won’t have time to spend the money on other things.
  • Set a budget for ‘spend’, food and petrol.


Following these tips will help you to gain better financial control, so that you can get back to enjoying life!

For more money saving ideas, check out this post.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

Check out my youtube channel for more helpful tips.