Deciding on a no spend year!

This year I finally pushed myself in the right direction financially. I have almost cleared my debt (overdraft, car and sofa) and I am now in the position to begin saving for a house.

For anyone that knows me, when I get an idea in my head I commit 110%. This is now my long term goal. In fact, it is my 5 year goal. In 5 years time I hope to reflect and see how far I have come!

The single parent financial struggle is real. I have always been someone that counts every penny – due to necessity throughout my adult life. However, since earning my undergrad degree, masters and PGCE, I am finally in a good job (teaching) and feel as financially secure, as secure as you can be in a worldwide pandemic. So really there is no excuse for wasting any more money and get myself on the property ladder, which I have wanted to do for a very long time (I have been watching property programmes since I was a teenager).

The reason, therefore, for this no spend year is to stash away any spare pennies that I can. This will mean commitment, sacrifice and careful planning. I do love a good challenge!

So time for me to make a start on outline my rules. These are likely to be personal to me, rather than suit everyone. But if you want to follow along, feel free to adapt to your own necessities/ allowed expenses.


  • 1: Small amount of spend allowed for trips/activities with my son (when covid rules allow).
  • 2: Only allowed to buy makeup when i run out (this is my core selection worn daily).
  • 3: Meal plan – do an inventory of freezer and cupboards and plan from this – stick to shopping list when out buying weekly food shop.
  • 4: Declutter my home by using up things that I have (e.g. candles, reading my extensive ‘to read’ pile).
  • 5: Wait 30 days before making a purchase. I have begun doing this already (i.e. creating an amazon wishlist and leaving things there – I often forget that I had added them.
  • 6: Use up cleaning products (under sink cupboard is full – maybe I should clean more often ๐Ÿ˜‰ !!)
  • 7: I will allow any gift cards etc to be spent as mini treats during the year if received.
  • 8: Reduce how often I get my hair cut. (Planning a cut tomorrow and then going to wait maybe 6 to 9 months before getting it cut again – it helps that my hairdresser is having a baby!)
  • 9: Try using a laundry egg to reduce detergent costs.
  • 10: Hang washing rather than tumble dry. (I only tumble dry a little in the winter usually).
  • 11: Try to make gifts or be resourceful/thoughtful when giving gifts to friends/family. Only give to essential people in my life.
  • 12: Small spend amount allocated – maximum of x 1 eating out a month.
  • 13: Plan lunches for work and make these in advance.
  • 14: Only go to the shop once per week (no additional ‘popping’ to the shop).

I think this is a good starting point for me. In addition to this, I already have the lowest household bills that I can – this may be something that you wish to look into to shave some more pennies off the spend.

Please share in the comments what rules you are going to stick by for your no spend month or year.

That 30 something life X


6 responses to “Deciding on a no spend year!”

  1. Looking forward to reading about how you are getting on. I am not strong enough to go for a whole year but I may do a month here and there.

    1. A month is a good start! Mentally I am going to think one month at a time!

  2. Hey Rachel, sounds like an awesome plan!

    1. Fuel is a costly commodity, plan ways to reduce the use of the car ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Batch cooking and freezing meals is a favourite of mine

    3. Get rid of sky package and just have normal tv and Netflix

    4. Pay as you go mobile and cancel landline

    When I want something we go proper hardcore and live off essential basics for a month! Itโ€™s fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Emma,
      I have definitely be thinking about fuel. One food shop a week and only fuel to commute to work. Not going to lots of shops is definitely going to reduce this too!
      I have also started batch cooking – i should have added that in. Got some lovely meals ready to go! or for lunches!
      I recently rang sky and asked to leave – they gave me a very good loyalty discount (10 years plus as a customer) so got it dirt cheap – I tend to record and watch later so that ism one luxury.
      I have a sim only mobile deal (have done for many years now). I do wonder about cutting the landline – i’m not sure if i need to have it for my broadband though (in a new build that is restrictive on companies i can use).
      Thank you for your ideas! Have you been doing a no spend year/month?

  3. This may not benefit you Rachel, but perhaps someone else reading. South West Water have watersure – this is for families with 3 or more children or for those with medical conditions that require additional water use e.g. psoriasis and excema. The applicant must have basic benefits to qualify and it reduces water bill Costas quite substantially.
    Hope that helps someone x

    1. Thanks Hayley. It’s definitely worth sharing for others though. x x

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