February No Spend Review

For me, pay day is the 25th of the month. I am now ready to sit down and analyse how I got on.

This month definitely threw a few curve balls. At the beginning of the month my TV died. It was a dilemma for me – to decide whether or not to buy new or second hand. Old me would have definitely gone for the new option. You know what you are getting and it will last many years. However, in the spirit of keeping spend down this year I went for the latter option – second hand. Second hand TVs aren’t quite what they used to be a decade ago – the big bulky backs, too heavy to lift. Second hand TVs these days are thin and of good standard as most people tend to upgrade to bigger TVs or the latest smart TV. I’m a sky customer so don’t really need to worry about having the latest things, just needed to be 32″ or bigger so I chanced it to see what I could get at the time. I successfully got a 42″ LG tv for ยฃ35. It certainly beats paying ยฃ200 for a brand new 32″ equivalent to what we had before. Win, win!

So here is a breakdown of my spend this month:

  • Gift for a friend ยฃ5
  • Period pants ยฃ10 (I wanted to try these in an attempt to be more environmentally friendly)
  • Pocket money to my son ยฃ2.50 (I should have been nearer ยฃ10 but I’ve forgotten to actually give it to him and he hasn’t yet asked for it ๐Ÿ™‚ oops.)
  • Bakery treat for me and Noah ยฃ2
  • TV ยฃ35

This is a grand total of ยฃ54.50! Not too bad considering I had to purchase a new TV.

Outside of my regular spend, I did pay for my car’s MOT (this was allocated in the budget).

I successfully sold a few items on eBay to raise some much needed funds to pay off some more debt. Anything I have sold I have used as extra payments towards the car finance or used it to top up my LISA.

As for food budget – I allocated ยฃ175. I actually spent ยฃ134.25. I had lots of items that I could use up in the cupboards and freezer so it kept costs down. I try and bulk cook meals and this also includes packed lunches for my son. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing my meal plans for each week.

I am looking forward to another month and the challenges this may bring (here’s hoping nothing else breaks).

Rachel, That 30 Something Life x


2 responses to “February No Spend Review”

  1. I’m amazed you have done so well. Admittedly, there’s been fewer opportunities to spend, but still, big well done! X

    1. Thank you. There have been moments of boredom when things have been ‘added to cart’ but I left them there and quickly forgot about them. x x

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