February no spend review

February No Spend Review

What a whirlwind February has been. Three storms in a week and a great excuse for a duvet day. It has been a month without many activities. So how was my no spend review for February?

However, I have decided to make an adjustment to my spending habits. I am allowing clothing as an allowed spend. I have realised that I am lacking in this area of key pieces and decent shoes. So I am willing to invest in this area. That’s not to say that I am going to start buying lots of clothing. I am going to be choosing versatile and quality pieces that will serve a purpose. I have been in desperate need of some new flats and trainers (my current ones have lasted years – maybe 4/5+). But I need flat shoes that are comfy and work with all of my workwear items. It is an investment in my confidence.

Another change that I am going to embark on is investing in a nutritionist. I have been struggling with health issues for many years and despite being on b12 treatment and going gluten free, there still seems to be something effecting my health. Investigating diet and looking at ways I can improve my fatigue naturally will really help. I have seen various food documentaries before that have shown the heal thing power of food and how food can change your whole body. My first session is booked for a couple of weeks time, so I will let you know how that goes in due course.

Let’s get into spend…

Food: Hey big spender…. It appears it has been a costly month again for food. ยฃ230 spent again on food. However, it is only ยฃ30 over budget so I am not going to be too hard on myself with this anymore. I am focussing on food and health so if that means I need to up the budget again to account for this, then I will gladly do so. However, this is only within reason. If I were to up it, then I think ยฃ230 would be the limit. I will see how next month goes before making a final decision on this.

Spend: Woah…. let’s talk about priorities. As mentioned above, clothing is an area that I need to invest in. This is mainly how I have spent my money this month. ยฃ120 approx on clothing for both me and my son. I feel like I have lost confidence in myself recently. I feel sluggish and that I am not looking my best. So it is time to change it up a bit and invest in a few key pieces. I brought a tailored jacket, jumper, and boots for myself and some school trousers for my son. It doesn’t seem like much, but even just having a new pair of boots as done me the world of good. I feel like I have options other than old tired trainers (next on the shopping list).

  1. clothing – ยฃ120
  2. gifts – ยฃ22.50
  3. beauty – ยฃ15.85
  4. home – ยฃ18.48
  5. health – ยฃ20.92
  6. food and drinks – ยฃ24.40
  7. parking – ยฃ8.10

Total spent: ยฃ230.25

Fuel: One area in which I have been able to keep under control. Only ยฃ122 spent this month. There have been less trips in the evenings and weekends to keep this under the ยฃ140 budget.

This month has been a game changer, but hopefully in a positive way. I’m looking forward to what March will bring.

Rachel, Declutter Your Life x

For my favourite items as a minimalistโ€ฆ https://declutteryourlife.co.uk/minimalism/favourite-items-that-i-own-as-a-minimalist/

For more ideas, check out my youtube channel.ย https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelNoakes