How to save money fast!

Like myself, you have decided you want to make your money work harder. Whatever your motivation, there are some easy steps that can help you organise your finances and reach your new financial goals. There are lots of quick and easy tricks that you can do straight away to see instance savings….then watch you savings pot grow!

  • Create a budget: know what your income is and what your outgoings are. Know where you money is going.
  • Cut your bills: make sure you are on the best deal for the service you are paying for. You could switch provider or call for a discount.
  • Give yourself a ‘spend’ amount: this will put a cap on your free spend i.e. money you would spend on casual shopping, cinema, day trips.
  • Meal plan: If you plan roughly your 7 main meals, lunches and breakfasts, you will be able to create a simple shopping list. Stick to this list and you will significantly reduce your food shop bill.
  • Start food shopping at cheaper stores: Aldi is my go to, but you may have an alternative cheaper shop near you.
  • Avoid branded products: Test out own brands food items and see whether they are a good swap for you. Everyone has different preferences, but swapping to store or own brand products will make a difference to the cost of your food.
  • Only shop once a week: This means no mid week pops to the shops. If you find that you are running out of milk, make sure future shops include the quantity you will use.
  • Use what you already have: This has benefits in all areas of your household spend. When creating your shopping list for the week, check which items you already have and cross them off the list. Use up the endless supply or soap and shampoo you have been buying for the past few years, because you wanted to try a different brand.
  • Be mindful of your spend: Ask yourself the following questions…Do you need it? Will you use it? Is it worth the price? Consider each purchase and shop around for the best deals if it is something you need to purchase.
  • Wait 30 days before buying: If you are wondering whether or not to buy something, add it to your basket and leave it there. Waiting 30 days will allow you time to really consider whether you do need that item. You’d be surprised how often you forget about an item and realise you didn’t really need it in the first place.

I hope these 10 tips help you to save those pennies, whether it’s for a rainy day or for a bigger more considered purchase.
